Title Year published / adopted Type of Documents Region Covered Themes
Background paper on Labor Mobility in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance, Migrants’ rights and migration law
The Case for Enhanced Labor Mobility: A critical Analysis 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance, Migrants’ rights and migration law
Silk Routes Region Working Group 8th Meeting Conclusions 2016 Chair's Summary Eurasia Partnership and cooperation on migration, Asylum and refugees, Migrants’ rights and migration law
Enhancing labour market mobility in the GCC; an ILO perspective 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance, Migrants’ rights and migration law
Silk Routes Region Working Group 9th Meeting Conclusions 2016 Chair's Summary Eurasia Inclusion and integration, Asylum and refugees, Migrants’ rights and migration law
2016 Civil Society Days Highlights and principle recommenations 2016 Summary Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migration and development, Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migrants’ rights and migration law
Matriz, Acceso a la Justicia: Argentina 2016 Compilation Americas Migrants’ rights and migration law
Matriz, Acceso a la Justicia: Chile 2016 Compilation Americas Migrants’ rights and migration law
Matriz, Acceso a la Justicia: Ecuador 2016 Compilation Americas Migrants’ rights and migration law
Matriz, Acceso a la Justicia: Venezuela 2016 Compilation Americas Migrants’ rights and migration law
Final Declaration of the Extraordinary Meeting of the ARCP In preparation of the High Level Plenary Meeting on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants 2016 Declaration Middle East Asylum and refugees
Different frameworks of cooperation and partnerships with League of Arab States 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Middle East Asylum and refugees, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Refugees and Sustainable development Goals: towards support both refugees and host communities 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Middle East Asylum and refugees, Sustainable Development Goals, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Regional Guidelines on how to identify and refer refugees and asylum seekers at the borders of Central Asia 2016 Guidance Eurasia Border Management, Asylum and refugees
Statement on World Refugee Day 2016 2016 Statement Middle East Asylum and refugees
PIDC Newsletter 2016 2016 Newsletter Asia and the Pacific Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Guide to Effective Practices for RCM Member Countries: Protection for Persons Moving Across Borders in the Context of Disasters 2016 Guidance Americas Emergency and preparedness
Meeting Minutes of High Level Regional Roundtable on Social and Economic Impact of Migration 2016 Minutes Eurasia Inclusion and integration
Colombo Process Ministerial Declaration 2016 Declaration Asia and the Pacific Migrants’ rights and migration law, Labour migration, Partnership and cooperation on migration
International actions and past practices: Comprehensive plan of actions in responding to refugee crises 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Middle East Asylum and refugees, Irregular Migration, Migrants’ rights and migration law
Note on the Preparatory Meeting for the CMC 2016 Report Americas Migration Policy and Governance, Migrants’ rights and migration law
Joint Communiqué of the 3rd Senior Officials Meeting 2016 Communique Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migrants’ rights and migration law, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Regional Guidelines for the Comprehensive Protection of Boys, Girls and Adolescents in the Context of Migration 2016 Guidance Americas Migrants’ rights and migration law
Consular Protection Recommendations for Unaccompanied and Separated Migrant Boys, Girls and Adolescents Including those in need of international protection 2016 Guidance Americas Migrants’ rights and migration law
Addressing the specific protection needs: Children and women in vulnerable situations 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Middle East Gender and migration, Migrant protection
Common Indicators for The Registration of Unaccompanied or Separated Migrant Boys, Girls and Adolescents in Consular Actions by Member Countries of the Regional Conference on Migration 2016 Guidance Americas Youth and migration
Migrant Vulnerabilities and Integration Needs in Central Asia Root Causes, Social and Economic Impact of Return Migration Regional Field Assessment in Central Asia 2016 2016 Report Eurasia Return and reintegration
La migration au Niger: Tendance migratoire, retour et reintegration 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Africa Return and reintegration
Return of unaccompanied minor 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Europe Return and reintegration
Return and Reintegration 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Africa, Europe Return and reintegration
Global Compact on Refugees 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Middle East Return and reintegration, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Thematic Meeting on Return, readmission and reintegration 2016 Chair's Summary Europe, Africa Return and reintegration
Belgium: Special Needs Program 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Europe Return and reintegration, Inclusion and integration
Assisted Voluntary Return Outreach towards migrants in irregular stay 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Africa, Europe Return and reintegration
Gambia Return, Readmission, and Reintegration 2016 Report Africa Return and reintegration
Reglamento de Organización y Funcionamiento de la Conferencia Supramericana sobre Migraciones 2016 Operating Modality Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration
16th SACM Conference Declaration 2016 Declaration Americas Migrants’ rights and migration law, Partnership and cooperation on migration, Inclusion and integration
The Almaty Process: Improving Compliance with International Refugee Law in Central Asia 2016 Position Paper Partnership and cooperation on migration
Assessment Report On Profile Of Returned Cambodian Migrant Workers 2016 Report Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Return and reintegration
Co-Chair's Statement on Sixth Ministerial Conference 2016 Chair's Summary Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration, Return and reintegration
Bali Declaration on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime 2016 Declaration Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration, Return and reintegration
Co-Chair's Statement on Eleventh Ad Hoc Group SOM 2016 Chair's Summary Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration, Return and reintegration
Review of Region's Response to Andaman Sea Situation of May 2015 2016 Report Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration, Return and reintegration