Title Year published / adopted Type of Documents Region Covered Themes
Panel Meeting on Migration Strategies Discussion Paper 2016 Discussion Paper Eurasia Migration Policy and Governance
Prague Process Quarterly Review No. 10 2016 Newsletter Eurasia Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Assisted Voluntary Return Outreach towards migrants in irregular stay 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Africa, Europe Return and reintegration
Prague Process Quarterly Review No. 11 - 12 2016 Newsletter Eurasia Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Reforme de l'etat civil, l'usage du telephone portable (SMS) pour les declarations des faits d'etat d'etat civil (situation en republique du benin) 2016 Report Africa Migration Data
Historique bases de donnees identification en Côte d'Ivoire 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Africa Migration Policy and Governance
Handbook in Identification of Irregular Migrants 2016 Handbook Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Border Management
Gambia Return, Readmission, and Reintegration 2016 Report Africa Return and reintegration
Guidelines on Quality in Asylum Decision Making 2016 Guidance Eurasia Asylum and refugees, Border Management
La migration au Niger: Tendance migratoire, retour et reintegration 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Africa Return and reintegration
2016 GFMD Summit Meeting Report 2016 Report Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migration and development, Partnership and cooperation on migration, Sustainable Development Goals
Handbook on Enhancing International Student Mobility 2016 Handbook Eurasia Migration Policy and Governance
Return of unaccompanied minor 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Europe Return and reintegration
ERSO History and Roles 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Africa, Europe Partnership and cooperation on migration
Return and Reintegration 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Africa, Europe Return and reintegration
The Almaty Process: Improving Compliance with International Refugee Law in Central Asia 2016 Position Paper Partnership and cooperation on migration
News Digest Issue 14 2016 Newsletter Eurasia Asylum and refugees
Matriz, Facilitación de la Movilidad Fronteriza: Argentina 2016 Compilation Americas Border Management
News Digest Issue 15 2016 Newsletter Eurasia Asylum and refugees
Matriz, Facilitación de la Movilidad Fronteriza: Chile 2016 Compilation Americas Border Management
Co-Chair's Statement on Tenth Ad Hoc Group SOM 2016 Chair's Summary Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
News Digest Issue 16 2016 Newsletter Eurasia Asylum and refugees
Matriz, Facilitación de la Movilidad Fronteriza: Ecuador 2016 Compilation Americas Border Management
Co-Chair's Statement on SOM 2016 2016 Chair's Summary Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
News Digest Issue 17 2016 Newsletter Eurasia Asylum and refugees
Matriz, Gobernanza Migratoria: Argentina 2016 Compilation Americas Migration Policy and Governance
Matriz, Gobernanza Migratoria: Chile 2016 Compilation Americas Migration Policy and Governance
Matriz, Gobernanza Migratoria: Ecuador 2016 Compilation Americas Migration Policy and Governance
Co-Chair's Statement on Sixth Ministerial Conference 2016 Chair's Summary Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration, Return and reintegration
Eje Temático I - Chile: Antecedentes del tratamiento del tema Trata de Personas en el marco de la CSM 2016 Report Americas Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Bali Declaration on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime 2016 Declaration Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration, Return and reintegration
Eje Temático I - Paraguay: Programa de Regularización de Extranjeros 2016 Report Americas Migration Policy and Governance
Co-Chair's Statement on Eleventh Ad Hoc Group SOM 2016 Chair's Summary Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration, Return and reintegration
Eje Temático III - Chile: Rol de los Gobiernos locales 2016 Report Americas Migration Policy and Governance
Review of Region's Response to Andaman Sea Situation of May 2015 2016 Report Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration, Return and reintegration
Eje Temático III - Chile: Cooperación Consular en Situaciones de Emergencias Migratorias 2016 Report Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration
Eje Temático III - Paraguay: Mecanismo de Asistencia Consular entre los países miembros de la CSM 2016 Report Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration
Eje Temático IV - Chile: CELAC-UE 2016 Report Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration
Conferencia Suramericana sobre Migraciones 2000-2015 2016 Report Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration
Plan de trabajo 2016 2016 Work Plan Americas Migration and development, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Addressing the specific protection needs: Children and women in vulnerable situations 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Middle East Gender and migration, Migrant protection
Common Indicators for The Registration of Unaccompanied or Separated Migrant Boys, Girls and Adolescents in Consular Actions by Member Countries of the Regional Conference on Migration 2016 Guidance Americas Youth and migration
Colombo Process Ministerial Declaration 2016 Declaration Asia and the Pacific Migrants’ rights and migration law, Labour migration, Partnership and cooperation on migration
International actions and past practices: Comprehensive plan of actions in responding to refugee crises 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Middle East Asylum and refugees, Irregular Migration, Migrants’ rights and migration law
Note on the Preparatory Meeting for the CMC 2016 Report Americas Migration Policy and Governance, Migrants’ rights and migration law
Summary Report of a Thematic Workshop on Migration for Harmonious Societies 2016 Report Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Inclusion and integration, Migrants’ rights and migration law
Joint Communiqué of the 3rd Senior Officials Meeting 2016 Communique Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migrants’ rights and migration law, Partnership and cooperation on migration
16th SACM Conference Declaration 2016 Declaration Americas Migrants’ rights and migration law, Partnership and cooperation on migration, Inclusion and integration
Regional Guidelines for the Comprehensive Protection of Boys, Girls and Adolescents in the Context of Migration 2016 Guidance Americas Migrants’ rights and migration law
Consular Protection Recommendations for Unaccompanied and Separated Migrant Boys, Girls and Adolescents Including those in need of international protection 2016 Guidance Americas Migrants’ rights and migration law