Title Year published / adopted Type of Documents Region Covered Themes
Refugees and Sustainable development Goals: towards support both refugees and host communities 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Middle East Asylum and refugees, Sustainable Development Goals, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Measuring well-governed migration - the 2016 Migration Governance Index 2016 Report Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration Policy and Governance
2nd Sharm El Sheikh Declaration of the AU-HoAI 2016 Declaration Africa
7th IGAD RCP on Migration Governance in the IGAD Region 2016 Report Africa Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Regional Dimensions of Implementation and Follow-up and Review of Migration-related SDGs 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Middle East Sustainable Development Goals
Third Almaty Process Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) Addressing Mixed Migration Flows in Central Asia: Human mobility, Rights of Vulnerable Migrants and Refugees and Regional Cooperation Chair’s Statement 2016 Chair's Summary Eurasia Partnership and cooperation on migration
Migration au Togo : Profil National 2015 2016 Study Africa Migration and development
Different frameworks of cooperation and partnerships with League of Arab States 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Middle East Asylum and refugees, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Regional Guidelines on how to identify and refer refugees and asylum seekers at the borders of Central Asia 2016 Guidance Eurasia Border Management, Asylum and refugees
Conclusions of the co-chairs on the Thematic Meeting on Return, Readmission and Reintegration 2016 Chair's Conclusions Europe, Africa
Meeting Minutes of High Level Regional Roundtable on Social and Economic Impact of Migration 2016 Minutes Eurasia Inclusion and integration
Conference Communiqués 2016 2016 Communique Asia and the Pacific Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Informal Working Level Group Meeting 2016 Chair's Summary Europe, Africa
Newsletter 2 2016 Newsletter Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia Border Management, Diaspora, Remittances
Summary of the Regional Thematic Workshop on Combating Trafficking in Persons 2016 Summary Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Irregular Migration
Second Informal Working Level Group Meeting 2016 Chair's Summary Europe, Africa
Meeting Minutes of the Regional Thematic Workshop on Combating Trafficking in Persons 2016 Minutes Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Irregular Migration
Bali Process Strategy for Cooperation 2016 2016 Report Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Border Management, Partnership and cooperation on migration, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Bali Declaration on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime - Update 2016 Declaration Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Migration Policy and Governance, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Guidelines on technical assistance interventions 2016 Guidance Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia Partnership and cooperation on migration
Khartoum Process Thematic Meeting on People Smuggling 2016 Chair's Conclusions and Recommendations Europe, Africa
Conclusions of the 24th SOM 2016 Chair's Summary Eurasia Partnership and cooperation on migration, Border Management
Reglamento de Organización y Funcionamiento de la Conferencia Supramericana sobre Migraciones 2016 Operating Modality Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration
Declaration of Regional Conference Omoa and San Pedro Sula 2016 2016 Declaration Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration
Key Arguments presented in the Background Paper 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Prevalent Business Models in Recruitment Industry 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Philippine-Korea Bilateral Labor Agreement on the Employment Permit System of Korea 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Thematic Meeting on Visa Facilitation Conclusion 2016 Chair's Summary Europe, Africa Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Skill training and certification as a driver of alternative recruitment schemes 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Thematic Meeting on Diaspora engagement strategies 2016 Chair's Summary Europe, Africa Diaspora
Exploring alternative models in Recruitment 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Thematic Meeting on Return, readmission and reintegration 2016 Chair's Summary Europe, Africa Return and reintegration
Potential Role of Technology on Labour Recruitment Industry 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Thematic Meeting on Trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants 2016 Chair's Summary Europe, Africa Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Guide to Effective Practices for RCM Member Countries: Protection for Persons Moving Across Borders in the Context of Disasters 2016 Guidance Americas Emergency and preparedness
Conference on Migrants and Cities 2016 Report Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migration and development, Migration Policy and Governance, Diaspora, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Assessing progress in the implementation of the migration-related SDGs - Summary of Conclusions 2016 Summary Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Sustainable Development Goals
A Proposed Policy Framework on Mobility 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Follow-up and Reviewe of Migration in the Sustainable Development Goals - Summary of Conclusions 2016 Summary Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Sustainable Development Goals
Rapporteurs Report for Economics of Migration and Development Roundtable 2016 Report Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migration and development
Guides on the Use of Migration Data in Ghana 2016 Guidance Africa Migration Data
GCC Labor Markets Mobility - Digitization Shaping the Future of Work 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Progress Report on IOM-Commissioned "Research on the Labor Recruitment Industry between United Arab Emirates, Kerala (India), and Nepal" 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Guides on the Use of Migration Data in Burkina Faso 2016 Guidance Africa Migration Data
Rapporteurs Report for Sociology of Migration and Development Roundtable 2016 Report Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migration and development
Guides on the Use of Migration Data in Mali 2016 Guidance Africa Migration Data
Updates on the Comprehensive Information and Orientation Program 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Rapporteurs Report for Governance of Migration and Development Roundtable 2016 Report Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migration and development, Migration Policy and Governance
UAE - Project of Establishing Visa Centers Abroad 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Saudi Arabia - Labor Program in Saudi Arabia 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Migration Policy and Governance