Title Year published / adopted Type of Documents Region Covered Themes
Expert Meeting on Labour Migration - Practical Aspects of Admission and Control Matrix Compilation 2015 Compilation Eurasia Labour migration
Expert Meeting on Labour Migration - Practical Aspects of Admission and Control Discussion Paper 2015 Discussion Paper Eurasia Labour migration
Ad-hoc Panel Meeting on Registration, Integration and IDPs 2015 Report Eurasia Internally Displaced Persons
Expert Meeting on Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers Report 2015 Report Eurasia Asylum and refugees
Expert Meeting on Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers Matrix Compilation 2015 Compilation Eurasia Asylum and refugees
Minuta Técnica - Migración, Medio Ambiente y Cambio Climático 2015 Study Americas Migration Policy and Governance, Environmental migration and climate change
Terms of Reference of the Arab Regional Consultative Process on Migration (ARCP) 2015 Terms of Reference Middle East Migration and development, Migration Policy and Governance, Irregular Migration, Asylum and refugees, Migrants’ rights and migration law, Inclusion and integration, Remittances, Migration Data
Migration and Development Policies and Strategies in the ECOWAS Region: the Role of Data 2015 Powerpoint Presentation Africa Migration Data, Migration and development
RSO Newsletter Edition Nine 2015 Newsletter Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Biometrics, Migration Data, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Panel Meeting on Migration Data Management and Migration Trends Report 2015 Report Eurasia Migration Data
Panel Meeting on Migration Data Management and Migration Trends Matrix Compilation 2015 Compilation Eurasia Migration Data
Panel Meeting on Migration Data Management and Migration Trends Discussion Paper 2015 Discussion Paper Eurasia Migration Data
GMG Migration and Development Data Handbook 2015 Powerpoint Presentation Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migration Data
Analysis of the impact of the political situation in Ukraine on the migration situation in the Salzburg Forum countries 2015 Information Note Migration Data
A Decade of Dialogue on Migration and Development: 10 years of Dialogue 2015 Brochure Europe, Africa Migration and development, Border Management, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Migrants’ rights and migration law
Valletta Action Plan 2015 Action Plan Europe, Africa Migration and development, Asylum and refugees, Migrants’ rights and migration law, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
The Ohter Migrant Crisis - Protecting Migrant Workers against Exploitation in the Middle East and North Africa 2015 Study Africa Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Migrants’ rights and migration law, Irregular Migration
Statement on Yemen Refugee Influx in the Horn of Africa 2015 Declaration Africa Asylum and refugees, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Counter-trafficking, Border Management
Light Migration Profile: Uzbekistan 2015 Study Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Return and reintegration, Labour migration, Asylum and refugees, Migration and development
SOM December 2015 Conclusions and Porto Monitoring Programme 2015 Chair's Summary Europe, Africa Migration and development, Migrants’ rights and migration law, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Extended Migration Profile: Bosnia & Herzegovina 2015 Study Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Return and reintegration, Labour migration, Migration and development
How to effectively counter migrant smuggling while guaranteeing migrant rights 2015 Powerpoint Presentation Africa, Europe Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Migrants’ rights and migration law
How to develop a comprehensive justice reponse against smuggling of migrants and THB? 2015 Powerpoint Presentation Europe Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Migration Policy and Governance
Co-Chair's Statement on Ninth Ad Hoc Group SOM 2015 Chair's Summary Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Irregular Migration between West Africa, North Africa and the Mediterranean 2015 Study Africa Migration Policy and Governance, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Migrants’ rights and migration law, Partnership and cooperation on migration
AU Assembly Declaration on Migration 2015 Declaration Africa Partnership and cooperation on migration, Gender and migration, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Comment élaborer des stretégies efficaces afin de lutter contre la traite des êtres humains 2015 Report Europe Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Migration Policy and Governance
Prague Process Action Plan Evaluation Report 2015 Report Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Return and reintegration, Labour migration, Inclusion and integration, Asylum and refugees
Human Trafficking And Smuggling of Migrants in the Context of Mixed Migration Flows: State of play in the IGAD Region 2015 Study Africa Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Sharm El Sheikh Plan of Action 2015 Action Plan Europe, Africa Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Light Migration Profile: Azerbaijan 2015 Study Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Return and reintegration, Labour migration, Asylum and refugees, Migration and development
6th IGAD RCP on Trafficking in Persons (TIPS) and Migrant Smuggling 2015 Report Africa Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
CAIRTIM Manual 2015 Guidance Asia and the Pacific Labour migration, Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Light Migration Profile: Czechia 2015 Study Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Return and reintegration, Labour migration, Asylum and refugees, Migration and development
Recommendations from the ACP-EU experts´ meeting on trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants 2015 Guidance Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling
Light Migration Profile: Kazakhstan 2015 Study Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Return and reintegration, Labour migration, Asylum and refugees, Migration and development
Light Migration Profile: Moldova 2015 Study Eurasia Counter-trafficking, Counter-Migrant Smuggling, Return and reintegration, Labour migration, Asylum and refugees, Migration and development
Identifying good practices, promising policy initiatives and case studies to support the 9th GFMD 2016 2016 Summary Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migration Policy and Governance, Partnership and cooperation on migration
Towards an Arab Information System on Migration and Expatriates 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Middle East Migration Data
African Union Visa on Arrival Policy The Ghanaian Experience 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Africa, Europe Border Management
Modalities for the intergovernmental negotiations of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular migration 2016 Resolution Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Global Compact for Migration
Caribbean Migration Consultations Infosheet 2016 Brochure Americas Partnership and cooperation on migration
Bratislava Ministerial Declaration 2016 Declaration Eurasia Partnership and cooperation on migration, Migration Policy and Governance
Migration and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Middle East Sustainable Development Goals, Migration and development
Regional Guidelines for the Development of Bilateral Labour Agreements in the Southern African Development Community 2016 Guidance Africa Labour migration
Student and Researcher Mobility - Panorama and challenges 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Africa, Europe Migration and development, Migration Data
Immigration for the purposes of studies and research 2016 Powerpoint Presentation Africa, Europe Migration and development
The 5+5 Dialogue as a Mechanism of Integration and Regional Cooperation 2016 Study Africa Migration Policy and Governance
Assessing Vulnerability And Responses To Environmental Changes In Cambodia 2016 Country report Asia and the Pacific Migration Policy and Governance, Environmental migration and climate change
Sociology of Migration and Development 2016 Study Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Middle East Migration Policy and Governance, Migration and development