Quiénes somos
Quiénes somosLa Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) forma parte del Sistema de las Naciones Unidas y es la organización intergubernamental líder que desde 1951 promueve una migración humana y ordenada para beneficio de todos, con 175 Estados Miembros y presencia en 171 países.
Sobre nosotros
Sobre nosotros
Nuestro trabajo
Nuestro trabajoComo organización intergubernamental líder que desde 1951 promueve una migración humana y ordenada, la OIM juega un rol clave apoyando el logro de la Agenda 2030 por medio de diferentes áreas de intervención que conectan la asistencia humanitaria con el desarrollo sostenible.
Qué hacemos
Qué hacemos
- Dónde operamos
Trabaje con nosotros
Trabaje con nosotros
- Datos e investigación
- 2030 AGENDA
Este año se celebró la vigésima edición del Diálogo Internacional sobre la Migración. Desde 2001, este foro ha servido de plataforma para que una multitud de interlocutores de todo el mundo mantengan debates oportunos sobre una amplia gama de cuestiones relativas a la migración, estableciendo al mismo tiempo sólidos vínculos con otros ámbitos normativos que se superponen.
La pandemia de la COVID-19 plantea enormes desafíos a los sistemas sanitarios, sociales, políticos y económicos a escala mundial y acarrea consecuencias inmediatas para el logro de muchos de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). En el marco del Diálogo, y en reconocimiento de la necesidad de reforzar el compromiso y la cooperación internacionales para responder a estos desafíos apremiantes, se convocó tanto a la sociedad como a los sectores público, privado y civil a fin de promover deliberaciones sobre las consecuencias de la pandemia para los migrantes, la migración y la movilidad, así como acerca del papel de los migrantes en la respuesta y la recuperación frente a la COVID-19.
Las deliberaciones estaban destinadas a promover los esfuerzos mundiales para abordar los retos inmediatos y los efectos previstos a más largo plazo de la pandemia para la sociedad, los migrantes y las poblaciones vulnerables de todo el mundo, y permitieron hallar oportunidades para configurar nuestras respuestas, en consonancia con el Pacto Mundial para la Migración Segura, Ordenada y Regular.
Una grabación en video de todas las discusiones esta disponible al seguente link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPbTEMLeBi2nAqVhF1ZbspHHSkn8cvO9v
Les pedimos amablemente unos minutos de su tiempo para para responder a nuestra encuesta de satisfacción disponible al seguente link: https://forms.gle/PLqw6BL5U5p9164EA
Para cualquier pregunta sobre el evento, sírvase ponerse en contacto con idmworkshop@iom.int .
- Agenda
Day One October 15th, 2020
- Opening Remarks by Antonio Vitorino, Director General, IOM (Opening remarks)
10:15-11:15 Panel 1: Safe, coordinated and inclusive human mobility is key to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic
Moderator: Aissata Kane, Senior Regional Adviser for Sub-Saharan Africa, IOM
- Malek Deng Dau Deng, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, South Sudan (Remarks)
- Cláudia Pereira, Secretary of State for Integration and Migration, Portugal (Presentation)
- Stefano Sannino, Deputy Secretary General for Economic and Global Issues at the European External Action Service of the European Union (Remarks)
- Ahmed M Saleheen, Secretary of the Ministry of Expatriates Welfare and Overseas Employment, Bangladesh (Presentation)
Interventions from the floor submitted to the Secretariat:
- His Excellency Mr. Muhammad Al-Taher Hamouda Syala, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Libya, Delivered on his behalf by Ambassador/ Permanent Representative, Mr. Tamim M. Baiou
- Ambassador Carla María Rodríguez Mancia, Guatemala
- Delegation of Ecuador
- Delegation of Brazil
- Delegation of Niger
11:15-13:00 Panel 2: Protection of vulnerable migrants during and beyond the COVID-19 crisis
Moderator: Yitna Getachew, Head, Migrant Protection and Assistance, IOM
- Sarah Arriola, Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs, the Philippines (Presentation)
- Jean Ayoub, CEO and Secretary General, International Social Service - General Secretariat (Presentation)
- Nick Grono, CEO Freedom Fund, UK (Remarks)
- André Silva, Coordinator Migrant Smuggling Unit, INTERPOL (Presentation)
- Isabela Atanasiu, Legal Officer, DG Migration and Home Affairs, Asylum, European Commission (Presentation)
- Trang Hong Vu, United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth, Co-founder of STEPFORWARD education, Vietnam (Presentation)
Interventions from the floor submitted to the Secretariat:
- Her Excellency, Ms. Adriana Mejia Hernández, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Colombia
- Delegation of Angola
- Delegation of Brazil
- Delegation of Sri Lanka
- Delegation of Niger
- Delegation of FAO
- Delegation of Japan
- Save the Children
13:00-15:00 Break
15:00-17:00 Panel 3: Enhancing migrants’ agency and contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
Moderator: Bettina Etter, Senior Advisor on Global Migration Governance, Switzerland (Remarks)
- Viorica Dumbraveanu, Minister of Health, Labor, and Social Protection, Moldova (Remarks)
- Pauline Tamesis, UN Resident Coordinator in Cambodia (Remarks)
- Felipe Munoz, Chief of the Migration Unit, Social Sector, Interamerican Development Bank (Presentation)
- Boubou Camara, Support Pillar Manager- COVID-19, WHO (Remarks)
Interventions from the floor submitted to the Secretariat:
Day Two October 16th, 2020
10:00-12:00 Panel 4: The role of women in the COVID-19 response and recovery
Moderator: Jacqueline Weekers, Director, Migrants Health Department, IOM
- Maya Morsy, President of National Council for Women in Egypt (Presentation)
- Zsuzsanna Jakab, Deputy Director General, WHO (Remarks)
- Christine Loew, Director UN Women Liaison Office in Geneva (Remarks)
- María Corina Muskus Toro, UN Major Group for Children and Youth, Co-founder, and Director of Venezolanas Globales (Remarks)
Interventions from the floor submitted to the Secretariat:
Communication response to COVID-19: Tackling misinformation, xenophobia and building network of trusted messengers
Speaker: Chylian Azuh, Writer and public speaker, Founder of ‘Female Returnee Forum”, Nigeria (Remarks)
Innovation, digital development and youth leadership in COVID-19 response
Speakers: Beyleh Daher, Manager of Creative Spaces, Djibouti (Presentation) and Houssein Mohammed, Senior Project Assistant, IOM Djibouti
13:00-15:00: Break
Moderator: Leonard Doyle, Spokesperson, Head, Media and Communication, IOM
- Glen Linder, Director General, International and Intergovernmental Affairs, Canada (Remarks)
- Ulvi Aliyev, Chief of International Cooperation Department of the State Migration Service, Azerbaijan (Remarks)
- Robinson Sathekge, Head of Migration Unit, City of Johannesburg, South Africa (Presentation)
- Monica Trigos Padilla, North America Regional Focal Point and Shaping Narratives Lead of the Migration Group, UN Major Group for Children and Youth (Remarks)
Interventions from the floor submitted to the Secretariat:
Moderator: Maurizio Busatti, Head, Multilateral Processes Division, IOM
Presentation: Cécile Riallant, Head, Migration and Sustainable Development, IOM and David Khoudour, Human Mobility Advisor, UNDP (Presentation)
- The Honourable Mohammed Adjei Sowah, Mayor of Accra (Remarks)
- The Honourable Mohamed Sadiki, Mayor of Rabat (Remarks)
- Socorro Flores Liera, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations in Geneva (Remarks)
- Rui Macieira, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Portugal to the United Nations in Geneva (Remarks)
- Christian Wolff, Programme Manager, Migration and Displacement, ACT Alliance (Remarks)
Interventions from the floor submitted to the Secretariat:
- His Excellency, Mr. Artak Apitonian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia
- Delegation of Ecuador
- Second statement by the Delegation of Armenia
- Delegation of Turkey
- Delegation of Azerbaijan
17:45-18:00 Closing Session
- Closing Remarks by Eugenio Ambrosi, Chief of Staff, IOM (Closing Remarks)
- Documentos del evento