Technical Support for Improved Migration and Border Management in Haiti

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  • End Date
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  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States

Haiti’s institutional border management framework remains fragmented, creating challenges in coordination mechanisms and information-sharing processes between relevant governmental entities. Such structural and institutional weaknesses have direct consequences on border control and migration management systems, which require a coordinated approach in order to ensure national security whilst enforcing the rights of citizens and foreigners alike. As of today, rapid response and alert mechanisms, in the event of a migratory crisis remain absent, mainly due to the insufficient number of officers deployed at the border and the limited operational capacities of units responsible for patrolling illegal crossing points. These deficiencies create many opportunities for illegal trafficking (drugs, weapons, human trafficking) whereby the Haitian territory serves as a transit point for such transnational crimes. In addition, Haiti is subject to important levels of migratory movements due to the high economic vulnerability of the majority of the Haitian population. Most migratory movements departing from Haiti are in fact illegal, jeopardizing the safety of migrants in questions and straining diplomatic relations with neighboring countries.
Given IOM’s extensive experience in supporting Member States in the elaboration of their Migration Policy and in the implementation of activities aiming to reinforce border and migration management, the Government of Haiti has solicited the financial and programmatic support of IOM’s International Development Fund (IDF) to achieve the following objectives:
- Carrying out an assessment of the current border management situation
- Supporting the elaboration of a Migration Policy in Haiti
Considering the new priorities of the Haitian government and in particular their focus on the improvement of migration and border management, it was discussed and agreed with the Haitian Prime Minister to substitute the previously proposed and approved IDF intervention "Haitian Diasporas: Capacity Building of Haitian Liaison Officers" (CE.0139) with the proposal in object.