Partnering with the private sector is crucial to seizing the opportunities of migration. Migration is not just a whole-of-government issue, but a whole-of-society issue. To harness the potential of human mobility, the private sector is an indispensable partner, offering unique skills, knowledge, expertise, and resources for tackling today’s pressing humanitarian and development challenges.


“Migration will be a way for the private sector to continue to innovate, to continue to spur economic development. Building partnerships is ultimately key to success.”

Amy E. Pope, IOM Director General




We have a global footprint

We are agile

We build better lives

We work directly with affected communities

We have an effective operational model

We have a wide range of expertise





IOM Goodwill Ambassador Programme and Celebrity Engagement

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is excited to introduce its new Goodwill Ambassador Pilot Programme and Celebrity Engagement Programme, aimed at harnessing the influence and reach of prominent figures from various fields to promote and advocate for our mission. This initiative will enhance our visibility, amplify our messages, and foster collaboration at national, regional, and global levels.

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Private Sector Partnerships 2023 Impact Report

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Let’s work together

Contact us to explore partnership opportunities.