Strengthening National Capacities in Applying International Standards to Improve Labour Migration Management in the MENA Region

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Labour Migration
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Tunisia Egypt Morocco

As of to date, migration processes relevant to the nationals of Egypt, Morocco and Yemen have been governed by labour migration policies and practices of the destination countries, such as the Gulf Cooperation Council Region (GCC) and Europe. While national authorities in the three targeted countries have made efforts to regulate the recruitment practices of their migrant workers and to ensure better protection of migrant workers in the whole labour supply chain, the extent to which the respective governments have been able to advance their labour migration management system and ensure high standards of recruitment of their nationals and protection of their rights, remains largely unknown.
To fill this gap, the proposed project aims to strengthen national capacities in Egypt, Morocco and Yemen in applying international standards in managing labour migration. It will do so by improving evidence and enhancing knowledge of the respective national authorities involved in labour migration and facilitating the ethical recruitment of migrant workers, in accordance with international human rights standards. An in depth gap analysis on labour migration management systems including assessment of policies, legislation and institutional capacities will be undertaken in each targeted country, and discussions among national stakeholders on how to advance labour migration management/recruitment practices in each country and across the MENA region will be facilitated, leading toward the formulation of key recommendations for actions.