Strengthening Labour Migration Governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Labour Migration
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has the largest number of emigrants as a share of its population of all countries in Europe. Several sectors are already facing a shortage of workforce and the need to open the labour market to migration has been identified. Continued high levels of labour emigration pose a severe development challenge for the country by limiting opportunities for business growth and discouraging potential investors as they are unable to find adequate skilled workforce. To address this, the institutional system needs to be harmonised and procedures simplified to attract foreign workers to the country. While recently new policies and procedures have been in place to address this issue, important challenges remain to ensure efficient labour migration policy making and implementation. Therefore, through this proposed project, IOM aims to support the relevant authorities and stakeholders in BiH to better respond to labour needs by establishing whole of society dialogue and gender-sensitive, evidence-based approaches to migration policymaking in line with the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) objectives. IOM will support the relevant stakeholders in BiH to: (i) reach consensus and acquire gender-sensitive knowledge about labour migration and migration governance in the framework of the GCM; (ii) gather gender-sensitive evidence on policies, practices, structures, legislation and community perceptions governing labour migration in BiH; (iii) provide tailored recommendations to authorities for a gender-sensitive suitable policy response to labour market needs with the development of a Labour Mobility Scheme and its Communication Strategy; and (iv) prepare receiving communities to receive and engage with migrant workers, fostering social cohesion with migrant communities.