Labour Mobility as a Factor of Development in South-Eastern Europe

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Labour Migration
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Montenegro Serbia Croatia

The project will contribute to increasing labour market integration processes in South-Eastern Europe (SEE) by equipping the governments with practical tools of labour migration management and information dissemination. The first component - a regional study – will inquire into the growing discrepancy between labour mobility regulation and economic integration in the SEE and propose a way forward through describing:
1) overall regulative context in the SEE at global and regional levels;
2) national policies and regulation mechanisms which govern labour mobility, in terms of their approaches in facilitating movements of specific categories of migrant workers, consistency with evolving regional objectives and compliance with the EU aquis and standards;
3) existing gaps and inconsistencies and possible ways of addressing them through a joint cooperation approach within the region.
The second component – development of a practical information dissemination toolkit – will empower employees of the Migrant service centres (MSCs) with effective techniques of navigating among existing open sources of information, by mapping out existing sources of information on employment in key destination countries and updating the regional MSC web-site. The toolkit will be disseminated by the IOM colleagues among the existing networks of MSC counsellors, through the counterparts in the ministries of labour.