Contributing to the Efforts of the Government of Côte d’Ivoire to Effectively Manage Labour Migration

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  • Project Type
    Labour Migration
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  • Benefiting Member States
    Côte d´Ivoire
Côte d’Ivoire has historically been characterized as a destination country for migrants within the West African region. Yet, in recent years, the country has witnessed an increase in out-bound migration of Ivorian citizens via both regular and irregular migratory routes to Europe, North Africa and the Gulf countries, to a lesser extent. Because of the special visa regime set up between Côte d’Ivoire and Morocco and Tunisia (90 days free stay visa) and the perception of easy access to well-paid employment, north African countries are countries of first destination (transit) and final destination for Ivorian migrants. However, Ivorians are required to regularize their stay after the 90-day period and to obtain a work permit for any professional activity carried out. Most migrants being initially unaware of these facts subsequently become vulnerable to exploitation out of fear of being denounced to authorities. Moreover, the development of multiple options for tertiary education abroad has been highlighted as an important factor behind the increase in Ivorian student mobility towards other countries. In addition, data collected from returned migrants by IOM Côte d’Ivoire and stakeholder consultations highlights the strong linkage between informal recruitment, trafficking in persons and exploitation within Côte d’Ivoire and of Ivoirians in Tunisia, Morocco and Gulf countries among others. Although the Ivorian Government has made measurable progress in the field of migration management in recent years, for example strengthening bilateral coordination with Nigeria to advance counter-trafficking efforts, it currently does not possess specific mechanisms to facilitate safe and orderly labour migration or diaspora engagement. Côte d’Ivoire could benefit from concerted efforts around labour migration and diaspora engagement management strategies and mechanisms to lower costs of migration and risks associated with it, and maximize its contribution to the country’s integrated, sustainable and inclusive growth. In order to address the above-mentioned challenges, this project aims to contribute to the efforts of the Government of Côte d’Ivoire to effectively manage labour migration. To do so, this project will seek the endorsement of an action plan on labour migration. This will be possible through: • The development of a Labour Market Assessment (LMA) in Côte d’Ivoire; • The organization of a workshop with relevant parties in Côte d’Ivoire to present the findings from the national • LMA, validate the conclusions and consolidate recommendations for the way forward; • The organization of a workshop with relevant stakeholders to raise awareness on the results of the LMA; • The organization of an event on safe, regular and orderly student and labour mobility for local communities and returned students/migrants; • The organization of a diaspora forum to enhance coordination and cooperation between the Ivorian government and their diaspora, and to strengthen the capacities of all stakeholders on safe labour migration; • The organization of a capacity-development training on labour migration management and bilateral labour agreement (BLA) negotiations for high-level government officials; and • The organization of a sustainability meeting to draft the action plan on labour migration.