Innovation Norway manages the Humanitarian Innovation Programme. The Humanitarian Innovation Programme supports the development and scaling of innovative solutions for humanitarian action. The programme enables humanitarian organisations and companies to form strong innovation partnerships for greater impact at lower risk.

Innovation partnerships between humanitarian organizations and private companies have been established through the Innovation Norway programme. The Humanitarian Innovation Programme grants funding and support to develop, test and scale new solutions that can contribute to better and more efficient humanitarian action. The program facilitates collaboration with the private sector in innovation processes.

The partnership with Innovation Norway has helped IOM lead a project on sustainable sanitary solutions for waste management in displacement settings. Since 2021, Innovation Norway has supported eight projects from IOM, including four in health and sanitation, three in green humanitarian response, and one in cash transfer programming.


“Innovation is not equal to ‘the shiny new thing.’ In the humanitarian sector, it is about systematic needs-based work to develop and implement the best possible solutions and processes to lift and improve humanitarian response.”

Therese M. U. Pankratov, Special Advisor at Innovation Norway




PSP: Bangladesh

PSP: Ethiopia

PSP: mozambique

PSP: Nigeria

PSP: Switzerland

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