
Afghan Journalists Discuss Reporting on Irregular Migration

Afghanistan - There are many risks involved in irregular migration, risks not necessarily fully understood by those deciding to leave. Irregular migrants may encounter dangers to their own lives and well-being, safety and security, and are vulnerable to being trafficked for sexual and labour exploitation.

Responding to the imminent need to raise awareness about irregular migration among Afghan journalists based in Kabul, IOM in partnership with the Afghan Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR) this week facilitated a one-day workshop on associated risks of irregular migration and key migration terminology for over 60 reporters and journalists from the Kabul-based media at the MoRR headquarters in Kabul. 

“Journalists play a significant role in shaping the public’s perception,” said IOM Chief of Mission and Special Envoy, Laurence Hart. “It is equally important that all reports are based on statistical figures, as well as on human stories, in order to inform the public about realities.”

The one-day workshop funded by the government of Australia, managed and co-facilitated by IOM and MoRR, included representatives from the Afghan public and private media agencies. Participants were provided with accurate interpretations of migration-related vocabulary which will help journalists enhance their professional capacity in writing reports on migration issues.

Raising awareness about the risks associated with irregular migration and smuggling amongst potential irregular Afghan migrants intending to travel through irregular means will help migrants to take informed decisions when they migrate.

"Organizing such workshops will further expose Afghan journalists to various aspects of the migration phenomenon, not only the negative side, but also the positive one,” Abdul Rahman Sadat, a reporter from Afghan news told IOM. “I am now equipped with the right tools (terminology) to be able to accurately and professionally report on migration issues.”

Further similar workshops are planned in the coming weeks for religious scholars and university students in Herat, Kandahar, Paktiya, Nengahar, Kabul, Balkh and Bamiyan provinces.

For further information please contact Nasir Ahmad Haidarzai, IOM Afghanistan, Tel: +93(0)794 100 542, Email: ​