European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine - EUBAM 13

Title of Grant/Procurement contract Amount of grant/procurement contract Name of grant beneficiary or contractor Contract number Currency Date of Grant/Procurement Contract PC
Lease Agreement for EUBAM office premises, Amendments ## 3, 4 and 5 73,108.35 Limited Liability Company "Dignus" (Ukraine) UKR/LEAS/LC0402/2021 EUR MS.0032
Purchasing new mobile phones, protection cases and glases for EUBAM needs (replace obsolete ones), Purchase orders 15,353.76 "ORANGE Moldova SA" (Moldova) 4500234440, 4500237503 EUR MS.0032
Maintenance, repair, tire change and evacuation services for EUBAM vehicles as needed, based on purchase requests. 18,418.59 AdRem SRL (Moldova) EUR MS.0032
Fuel for EUBAM vehicles (under UN LTA 04.05.18-3.05.19, ext. for 3 years) based on purchase requests. 35,498.70 Lukoil Moldova SRL (Moldova) ITB18/017007 EUR MS.0032
Endorsements # 6 and 7 to the Group Insurance ontract 152,208.26 Cigna Life Insurance company of Europe S.A. (Belgium) C2.004.786 EUR MS.0032
Administrative Arrangement EEAS/EUBAM colocation Del Moldova and its amendment, Purchase orders 157,127.76 EEAS (EU) MD10-235/22, 4500274195, 4500305945 EUR MS.0032
Lease Agreement for EOM office premises, Amendments ## 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 48,714.79 Imperial Vin Group SA (Moldova) ORG-35/17 EUR MS.0032
Purchasing new Notebooks for EUBAM needs (replace obsolete ones), Purchase order 74,022.00 Limited Liability Company "NEOLOGIK" (Ukraine) 4500225203 EUR MS.0032