SCAAN Privacy Policy

SCAAN is a communications system that provides security coverage to users who are employed to provide humanitarian services worldwide, especially in challenging environments where safety and security-related risk factors can adversely impact those who are involved. Its mobile app component acts as an emergency communications tool that can be a lifeline during an emergency.

SCAAN adheres to and upholds our Data Protection Policy. It is consistently aligned to the privacy concerns of its users to ensure that personal sensitive information is absolutely protected and used only for the purpose of mitigating risks affecting user safety and security when on official missions.

This page informs you of our policy regarding the collection, use, protection, and the handling of Personal Information we receive from users of the mobile app. By using the app, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.


Data We Collect


To access the app, it is necessary to complete a user profile. This includes providing your:

  • Email address provided to you by your organization 
  • Family name and forename(s)
  • Mobile telephone number of your device

These are necessary for individuals to be identified and are only used by authorized security staff. You can change and update this information as required in the app. This information is not publicly available nor shared with any other app user or party.


Geolocation data in SCAAN is used only for the purpose of staff safety and security. The geolocation function in SCAAN is disabled by default. Geolocation only collects data when you enable this feature. A notification is displayed before this happens. When enabled the device geolocation (GPS) data is stored even when the app is closed. This is done in the background. We use this information to provide you location-based functionality within the Service, such as locating you when lost, to provide assistance to you in critical situations, or to notify you of local safety security information.

All geolocation data collected is anonymized after 14 days and deleted in accordance with our data retention policy. Only authorized Dashboard users can view your location information with a responsibility to uphold data privacy as stipulated in the Confidentiality Agreement and as authorized by your organization


As a user, you can and are encouraged to submit reports to assist your fellow users. The text and image of the report along with your current location, if enabled is collected. There is no requirement for you to use this feature. All submitted reports are assessed by security staff and information that is considered relevant to other users about incidents that may put staff at risk are disseminated to other users of the system.


You can communicate directly with security personnel of your organization using instant messaging. These messages are monitored and responded to from a 24/7 Communications Centre. Details of these communications are stored and then deleted in accordance with our data retention policy.

Travel Security Clearance

If this feature is enabled in the app for your use, copies of your travel arrangements are stored within SCAAN and on your device. This data is limited to those needed to submit travel clearances, to receive updates, and to identify easily identify travel arrangements, such as the means of travel, departure, and arrival information. This data is deleted in accordance with our data retention policy.

Your Device

Device and usage Information that may include information specific to your mobile device (e.g., model, operating system, device name). This helps with maintenance, improvements, and new feature development.

Data from your device that excludes any personal data is shared with the Firebase analytics service provided by Google, which helps us analyse and improve our mobile app for you. It is used to monitor and provide information about app crashes.

You can learn more about the:

Like many applications, we collect log data. This information may contain information that is specific to your device as well as date and time information. We use this data to diagnose issues and analyse the performance of our service. This data is deleted in accordance with our data retention policy. 



We follow accepted industry standards to protect any personal information you have provided to us. This includes but is not limited to encrypting all data when transmitted and stored at rest. However, please be aware that no method of electronic storage can ever be 100 per cent secure. Therefore, as is the case with any organization, we are not able to guarantee the absolute security of your information.

You may submit any questions you may have about our security procedures by emailing us at

Data Retention

Consistent with IOM’s Data Protection Principles, SCAAN adheres to the following:

“Personal data should be kept for as long as is necessary and should be destroyed or rendered anonymous as soon as the specified purpose(s) of data collection and data processing have been fulfilled. It may, however, be retained for an additional specified period, if required for the benefit of the data subject."

For more information about IOM’s Data Protection Principles, you can contact:

IOM Legal Department at

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to check our Service occasionally to inform yourself of any changes. We will notify you of any changes by publishing the new Privacy Policy. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.  Your continued use of the mobile app after changes have been posted to the Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such changes.

Contact Us

Please submit any questions, concerns, or comments you may have about this Privacy Policy or any requests about your personal information via email to