Elements of Innovation

  • Diversity, Gender and Inclusion
  • Social Cohesion and Community Participation
  • Regular Pathways

What is the project about?

A continuing trend of rural-to-urban migration in the Marshall Islands, exacerbated by the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, poses diverse challenges for the atoll nation’s economy. Marshallese women living in rural areas and the outer islands of the Marshall Islands are particularly disadvantaged when it comes to economic development.

Through collaborative partnerships, this project sets out with the clear mission to empower communities, and specifically women, within the Republic of the Marshall Islands to attain economic selfreliance. By creating viable avenues for sustainable livelihoods in rural regions, the pilot program not only enhances national resilience but also looks into upholding local culture and land. Moreover, this initiative brings forth valuable insights for government agencies and stakeholders vested in commerce, investment, and tourism. Insights have been then disseminated through a diversity of means, encompassing market research, capacity development initiatives, and reports capturing key lessons learned.

How is the project innovative?

This project stands as an innovative endeavor, particularly as it tackles discriminatory migration practices and promotes equal rights in the context of economic self-reliance and rural development. The initiative strategically engages with the blue economy and sustainable tourism to diversify livelihoods, employing a value chain approach encompassing accommodation, food and beverage, and attractions. Of utmost significance is its integration of gender considerations, fostering women's economic agency through startup financial support, technical knowledge, and marketing opportunities.

By prioritizing gender-mainstreaming and human rights principles, the project transcends traditional economic boundaries, ensuring equal access to training, resources and opportunities for women from vulnerable households. This ultimately fosters sustainable economic growth while promoting environmentally conscious practices. Additionally, its adaptability in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic underscored its agile approach to addressing prevailing challenges and ensuring the long-term empowerment and inclusion of rural women in the local socio-economic fabric.


IOM MISSION: Marshall Islands
YEAR: 2020
FUNDS: 80,339 USD