Facilitating Migration and Development in Zimbabwe

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Community and Economic Development
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States

The Government of Zimbabwe’s Taskforce on Human Skills Identification, Deployment, and Retention (THSIDR) has requested IOM to assist with the implementation of activities to address the brain drain in the country. Specifically IOM has been requested to assist with the creation of a website and database of Zimbabwean professionals within and outside the country.
In response to the request and through the proposed project, IOM will: 1) establish a website, 2) support the setting up of a database with the objectives to publicize the activities of the Taskforce; 3) facilitate communication between the Taskforce and local/international manpower and the general public through an e-discussion forum; and, 4) disseminate articles of interest to the public. The database will be designed to capture the profiles of Zimbabweans in the diaspora who are interested in participating in various initiatives where their skills would be required.
The project will further explore various Migration and Development strategies that could contribute to poverty reduction in Zimbabwe. The third component of this project will, therefore, include provision of technical assistance/guidance to the Government of Zimbabwe on how to best integrate Migration and Development into the national planning process, including the next poverty assessment and the Zimbabwe Economic Development Strategy (ZEDS) 2007 - 2011.