Enhancing Migration Governance and Diaspora Engagement for Development in Albania

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Transfer of migrant knowledge and resources
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
Migration governance is a priority for Albania. While progress has been made through the implementation of the National Strategy on Migration and Action Plan 2019-2022, further advancements are recognised as necessary. Efforts to engage with diaspora and harness their social and human capital have proven successful. The EU fellowships scheme, part of the "Engage the Albanian Diaspora to the Social and Economic Development of Albania" program, was recognized to have a significantly positive impact in the restructuring of the Diaspora Institutional Framework in 2022, that emphasized the need to strengthen capacities within the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEFA) to implement diaspora engagement interventions. This project aims to enhance migration governance, socio-economic development, and alignment with international standards through diaspora engagement in the country. The initiative is built on two outcomes. The first focuses on supporting the GoA to harness the migration-development nexus by sustainably implementing diaspora engagement strategies and schemes, with a focus on the National Strategy for Diaspora (2021-2025). Under this outcome, additional resources will be allocated to MEFA to strengthen institutional capacities, facilitating its engagement with diaspora members by leveraging on their skills and know-how. The specific needs of institutions and desired profiles of skilled diaspora members will be determined in coordination with the State Minister and Chief Negotiator. As for its second outcome, the project will assist the GoA in adopting a gender-sensitive, rights-based Migration Accession Roadmap aligned with national strategies, international and EU standards. This Roadmap, developed collaboratively, will fulfil EU recommendations on migration governance.