
Training for Central American Journalists

Some 30 journalists from Central America
and Mexico will gather in Costa Rica this week to discuss ways to
better report on the issue of human trafficking.

Radio, television and newspaper reporters from
seven countries and from private and public media outlets, will
share theirs experiences and lessons learnt in writing and
reporting cases of human trafficking, with a focus on respecting
the human rights of the victims.

The event, hosted by IOM's Regional Office in
Costa Rica and in cooperation with the Canadian government, is part
of an overall strategy to strengthen all stakeholders in ongoing
efforts to combat human trafficking.

Human trafficking is of major concern in the
Mesoamerican region, occurring in most instances as part of the
irregular migration flows that characterize these countries.

The media in the region have reported in the
past on cases of young Romanian women who were trafficked for
sexual exploitation under the assumption that good stable jobs
would be waiting for them in the country of destination; about
young men from Vietnam who were enslaved on fishing boats in the
high seas, also under the guise of well paid jobs; and on the
plight of unaccompanied migrant children subjected to sexual

IOM believes the media is a vital partner in
the fight against human trafficking.

IOM's Regional Representative, José
Pires, explained: "Effective media coverage of this international
crime can help change public perceptions, inform victims on how to
access assistance and can be used as a prevention channel. But
irresponsible reporting can put a victim in danger or re-victimize
an already traumatized trafficked person."

The workshop will provide participants with an
opportunity to analyze previous coverage using a human right and
victims-centred framework for reporting on this issue.

For more information contact:

Agueda Marin

IOM San José

Tel: (506) 224 11 52 ext 119

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