
Trafficking of Ugandan Women to Asia Increasing says IOM

IOM Uganda is concerned about an increase in the number of Ugandan
women trafficked abroad, particularly to Asia. Victims of
trafficking whom IOM has helped to return to Uganda have reported
being subjected to sexual slavery, rape and torture.

In the past four months alone, 13 victims of trafficking were
rescued in Malaysia and referred to IOM for assistance to return
home. Ugandan sources suggest that there may be as many as 600
trafficked Ugandan women currently in Malaysia, with between 10 and
20 more arriving each week.

"Prevention offers much more positive outcomes if all
stakeholders, government and civil society take timely action
against human trafficking," says IOM Uganda's Chief of Mission
Gerard Waite. "IOM has been working with the government to help
victims of trafficking to rebuild their lives, but once the damage
is done, it is hard to reverse," he adds. 

Predominantly young women have been trafficked either by
individuals or employment agencies, typically lured by promises of
lucrative business, job, or study opportunities abroad.

Many victims willingly accept these services without realising
the exploitative nature of the conditions that they will be
subjected to. Once trapped, they have their passports taken from
them and are often forced into prostitution or bonded labour to
earn profits for their traffickers.

"Someone promised me a job in a Ugandan restaurant in Malaysia.
I was taken to Bangkok for two days and then on to Malaysia. The
place I was taken to in Bangkok was very terrible; it was like a
mad house. There were about 20 Ugandan girls, very young girls of
20, 19, and 17 years old. They were taking weed, cocaine, smoking
pipe in the corridors. I managed to keep my cool because I thought
if I would react badly I would be put in trouble or beaten or even
killed," said a 22-year-old victim who recently returned home with
IOM's help.

"When I reached Malaysia, I was taken to this Ugandan woman who
was supposed to give me a job. This lady told me: 'Shower, then
eat, then sleep. You start work tomorrow.' The next day she told me
there was no restaurant work and I had to prostitute myself. She
said I had to give her USD 8,000. Every day I should give her USD
200. She showed me a metallic heater and said if I did not do
everything she said, she would hurt me with it."

In 2009, the Government of Uganda enacted the Uganda Prevention
of Trafficking in Persons Act. However, the growing number of
trafficked persons over the last two years calls for coordinated
efforts in properly understanding the problem, while investigating
and prosecuting human traffickers.

In Uganda, IOM has provided training to government officials in
the justice sector on human trafficking and intends to expand these
professional development trainings with public officials throughout
the country.

It is already working closely with the Uganda Human Rights
Commission and other government agencies in order to strengthen
their capacity in confronting and preventing human trafficking.
Based on each trafficking victim's particular needs, IOM provides
counselling, health referral and socio-economic assistance.

IOM recently received support from the Norwegian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs to develop a coordinated response to human
trafficking in Uganda.

Globally IOM is the leading agency in counter-trafficking and
prevention of human slavery. Since 1994 the organization has
implemented almost 500 projects in 85 countries, and provided
assistance to approximately 15,000 trafficked persons.

For more information please contact:

Zafarullah Hassim

IOM Kampala

Tel: + 256-772-707-700

E-mail: ""> 


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