
Registration Highlights Humanitarian Needs in Western Cote d'Ivoire, Stranded Migrants in Abidjan Shelter in Embassies

IOM staff in the western Ivorian town of Duékoué have
completed the registration of more than 27,500 internally displaced
persons (IDPs) who have sought refuge in and around the Salesian
Roman Catholic mission.

The registration, which began April 3rd, was carried in
coordination with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),
the UN World Food Programme (WFP) and the NGO Caritas.  It
points to major humanitarian needs among vulnerable women and
children, who represent a majority of the displaced. 

Despite the daily delivery and storage of some 9,000 litres of
water by the UN contingent and the distribution of water
purification tablets, access to adequate clean water remains a
priority, as many wells are contaminated and represent a health

Food distributions organized by the World Food Programme are
currently targeting the most vulnerable among the displaced,
including children, pregnant and lactating women.

Non-food aid, including medical supplies, malaria kits, shelter
items, cooking sets, jerry cans, sleeping mats, soap and blankets
are being supplied by UNHCR to the displaced in the Catholic
mission and in a nearby Protestant church.

IOM staff on the ground report that access to sanitation
facilities remains insufficient. The Roman Catholic mission
currently has only 12 latrines.  

Efforts to identify new safe sites where the displaced could be
relocated are on-going with a view to reduce the health risks
linked to living in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions. In
parallel, IOM is working with Caritas, local NGOs and community
leaders to raise awareness of public hygiene, with an emphasis on
proper hand washing.

IOM is also following population displacement on the
Duekoué, Guiglo, Toulepleu road, where thousands of people
are said to be still hiding in the forest. More than 800 IDPs were
relocated earlier this week from Péhé to the border
town of Zouan Hounien, where they are now receiving humanitarian

In the economic capital Abidjan, there is no news of some 3,000
Malian migrants, including many women and children, who have been
living for the past two weeks without running water or electricity
in the basement and other rooms of the Malian Embassy.

Reports earlier this week suggested that many of the stranded
migrants had sustained bullet and machete wounds from attacks
carried out by armed youth militias loyal to the incumbent
president Gbagbo.

IOM is also concerned about a group of some 450 Mauritanians who
have sought refuge in their embassy in Abidjan.

"Our calls to the warring parties to give humanitarians full
access to the population and allow the safe evacuation of all
migrant workers has so far fallen on deaf ears," says IOM Director
General William Lacy Swing. "We once again urge all parties not to
target civilians and migrant workers and to ensure their protection
and safety."     

IOM has been asked to evacuate more than 50,000 stranded
migrants from Cote d'Ivoire to Mauritania, Guinea, Senegal, Burkina
Faso and Mali.

In January, IOM appealed for an initial USD 3.5 million to carry
out a range of operations including assisting IDPs, third country
nationals and stranded migrants in Cote d'Ivoire.

To date, the Organization has received USD 1.06 million from the
US government and the UN's Central Emergency Response Fund. IOM's
funding needs will be revised as part of a forthcoming revised
joint appeal for Cote d'Ivoire.

For more information please contact:

Jean-Philippe Chauzy

Tel. +41.792854366

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Jumbe Omari Jumbe

Tel: +41 79 812 77 34

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