
Otros Cielos: Migration Stories

Otros Cielos, Cuentos de Migrantes (Other Skies: Stories of
Migrants), 16 short stories based on the real life experiences of
migrants, has been unveiled in San José.

The stories aim to take the reader on the real journey of a
migrant: before leaving home, the voyage, and after - an after that
remains forever intrinsically linked to the before.

IOM provided funding and its migration expertise to the editors
at Lumbre Publishing.

IOM Regional Representative José Pires explains why it
was important for IOM to support this publication. "These stories
provide a human perspective of all the issues, positive and
negative, that migrants face once they decide to embark on their
journey. Migrants leave their families and the world they know and
are comfortable in, to start over in a new and uncertain world. And
even when their migration experience is successful, migrants always
long for their families and friends."

For the editor, Dorelia Barahona, migration is part of our DNA.
"Although some of us may not be aware, we are all the sons and
daughters of migrants. Through our DNA runs the story of a journey,
of a road already travelled but that is still beating in our hearts
and is present in all flags, in the air that crosses border,
languages and colours."

The book is available, in Spanish only, at the Librería
Internacional in San José, Costa Rica.

For more information contact:

Jessica Saavedra

IOM San José

Tel: +506.2215348 Ext. 125

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