
Optimism Grows as Total Camp Population in Haiti Falls Below Half Million

The total number of Haitians still living in tents and shelters is
now less than 500,000 – about one third of the population
initially displaced by the earthquake of 2010.

This comes as the Government of Haiti's newly created housing
authority L'Unité de Construction de Logements et de
Bâtiments Publics (UCLBP)
starts to deliver results and
the pace of relocation picks up.

An initiative known as "16/6" is helping earthquake displaced
people living in six public spaces to return to sixteen communities
which are undergoing redevelopment. It was launched by President
Michel Martelly last year and a government-led steering committee
is now setting the pace for reconstruction and relocation.

In the last two weeks, under this programme, some 200 families
have permanently left Champ de Mars, the historic plaza in front of
the ruined National Palace. Over the coming months the square will
be returned to public use under the project, which is funded by

"Haiti needs to have its public spaces like Champ de Mars
restored to their former glory," said Patrick Rouzier, the housing
adviser to President Martelly. "This project looks after the
immediate humanitarian interests of those who have been living in
tents and shelters in the plaza since the earthquake by helping
them start their lives over in the neighborhoods. The project bodes
well for a revitalized capital, where everyday life is returning to

The Government's rehousing strategy is now focused on emptying
prominent public spaces, while parallel efforts are made to rebuild
earthquake-damaged neighborhoods. The broader aim is to start a
movement from camps back to communities by pump-priming the local
economy and thereby creating pull factors to encourage people to
leave camps.

However, the movement of families from camps remains a slow and
painstaking process with most families requiring help to get their
lives back on track. These are extremely impoverished people, for
whom getting their children to school and providing enough food to
eat is already a challenge. Along with resources to relocate people
from camps and help rebuild the areas ravaged by the quake, has
come a measure of optimism.

"The government of Haiti is leading the way in restoring life
and dignity to the Haitian capital," said Luca Dall'Oglio, IOM
Haiti’s Chief of Mission.

"Champ de Mars is now visibly less congested and there is a
sense of optimism among those preparing to leave, something that
has not been in evidence before," he added. 

There are now about 491,000 individuals remaining in 660 camps
in the earthquake-affected areas, or 120,791 households. At the
height of the displacement crisis in July 2010 there were an
estimated 1.5 million. In other words some 67 per cent of the
original camp population is no longer living under canvas and

Evictions remain a constant problem, however, especially from
private landowners. And as pressure grows on families to leave
privately owned lands, impatience is growing among a population
which is hoping to return to rebuilt neighborhoods with adequate
public health and road networks.

The pace of reconstruction is itself limited by the difficulties
of rebuilding ravaged areas of a living capital city. It is all
happening despite the rubble, dust and broken buildings.

For more information please contact:

Leonard Doyle

IOM Haiti

Tel: + 509-37025066

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