
Migrants Seek Assistance to Return Home

Thousands of foreigners fleeing South Africa in the aftermath of
the ongoing xenophobic attacks are in urgent need of humanitarian
assistance, prior to and after arrival in their home countries with
IOM receiving constant requests for voluntary return assistance
from many different nationalities.

"We are currently assessing the numbers and needs of people who
need assistance to return home and are consulting with South
Africa's Department of Home Affairs to roll out an appropriate
response," says Liselott Verduijn, IOM regional programme
development officer in Pretoria. "So far, IOM has been contacted
directly by hundreds of people urgently requesting such

IOM estimates that thousands of people could need voluntary
return assistance. Government authorities in Mozambique have
reported that over 20,000 Mozambicans have already fled back home
with many going home in buses chartered by their government.
Meanwhile, about 25,000 Zimbabweans are believed to have gone to
Zambia according to the Red Cross and Red Crescent with thousands
others going to other Southern African countries. An IOM reception
centre at Beitbridge on the border with South African and Zimbabwe
has also in recent days been providing food, medical care and final
transport to home communities to Zimbabweans fleeing the

The attacks that began just over two weeks ago have now left 56
people dead and, according to latest government figures, over
35,000 displaced people taking refuge in more than 48 sites
throughout the country.

A South African bus driver at one of the refuge sites where
Mozambicans are departing from, refusing to be identified for fear
of reprisals by fellow South Africans, noted that the migrants were
in need of a great deal of assistance. "We drop them off in Maputo,
but they leave here with nothing because they lost everything. We
don't know what happens to them when we drop them. Maybe they
cannot even reach their homes."

For the many thousands who are now displaced within South
Africa, conditions are difficult without food, shelter or money.
With their numbers growing and their situation worsening, IOM is
urgently seeking initial funding to provide basic humanitarian
assistance for thousands of displaced migrants including return and
reintegration assistance.

Meanwhile, IOM is working with METRO FM, South Africa's largest
urban commercial radio station, to educate the public on the
dangers of xenophobia and to raise funds to provide immediate
humanitarian assistance to people affected by the violence. So far,
IOM has distributed 2,000 assistance packs with basic necessities
including mats and blankets, and 500 infant kits.

For more information please contact:

Nde Ndifonka

IOM Pretoria

Tel: +27.82.667.27.76

or +27.12.342.27.89

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