
IOM Works with Ministry of Labour and Local Governments in Nicaragua to Create Employment Opportunities for Vulnerable Populations

This week, 37 vulnerable persons, including victims of trafficking,
are starting new lives as they officially open their small
enterprises with support from IOM, the Ministry of Labour and local
governments of Ocotal, Somoto and Chinandega.

The participants, who received assistance to develop a business
plan and financial support, are now the proud owners of small food
stores, fast food stalls, bakeries, barber shops, bicycle repair
shops, and new and used clothing stores, amongst others.

Since 2007, when IOM Nicaragua began providing return and
reintegration assistance to victims of trafficking, with funding
from the United States Department of States Bureau of Population,
Refugees and Migration (PRM), it has been working on forming a
solid partnership with local governments and the private sector to
ensure the successful economic reintegration of returned

"The initiative is now part of an IOM regional project and a
model for Central America.  Our principal strategy is
inter-institutional coordination at the local level with the public
and private sectors," explains Brenda de Trinidad, Manager of the
IOM project in Nicaragua.

"IOM has carried out awareness raising activities, as well as
training and capacity building with families, community leaders and
entire communities, and local authorities that are now
well-established support networks for these returning migrants," de
Trinidad adds.

A young woman victim of trafficking who was tricked by a female
trafficker and later assisted by IOM to return home recalls: "I met
a lady who gave me some money and said we could go together to
Panama to buy clothing and other merchandise so I could set up a
small business in Nicaragua.  I had no money and no job, so I
accepted her offer."

But she realized something was amiss when the bus entered
Honduras.  "I asked her why we were going the opposite way,
and she told me not to worry and gave me a soda.  I don't know
what she put in the drink, but I fell asleep and woke up in
Guatemala," she adds.

Once in Guatemala, she was taken to a nightclub and forced into

Nicaragua is a country of origin and transit for human
trafficking for sexual exploitation.  Although in 2011 some
cases of men being trafficked for labour exploitation in the
agricultural and manufacturing sectors have been reported.The main
countries of destination for Nicaraguan victims of trafficking are
Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Mexico.

"The persons we are assisting are all failed migrants, including
victims of trafficking, who endured all types of abuse –
rape, beatings, sexual and labour exploitation, and theft,"
concludes de Trinidad.

"To ensure success for the new entrepreneurs, IOM and its
partners produced a practical guide for small businesses which
includes lessons learned, developing investment and business plans
and legal advice, as well as other important issues such as gaining
self-esteem and hygiene at the work place," explains Daizen Oda,
IOM Programme Specialist in Economic Reintegration for Vulnerable
Migration Population.

IOM partners include: the ministries of Interior, Labour, and
Family, mayors, local Chambers of Commerce, NGOs, private
companies, the media and volunteers.

For more information, please contact:

Niurka Pineiro

IOM Washington

Tel: +1 202 862 1826, Ext. 225 

E-mail: ""> 

Brenda De Trinidad

IOM Nicaragua

Tel: +505.22.78.9569

E-mail: "">


Daizen Oda

IOM Nicaragua

Tel: +505.22.78.9569

E-mail: "">