
IOM, UNFPA, Honduras Launch Campaign to Prevent Violence against Women

Honduras - IOM, UNFPA and the Government of Honduras have launched a public information campaign to prevent violence against women and human trafficking.

“I Am a Woman and to Live Without Violence is My Right” was launched in response to 189 violent deaths of women reported by Honduras’ Centre for Women's Rights during the first six months of 2015.  In 95 percent of cases the perpetrator was male.

The communication strategy includes music videos, TV and radio spots, posters, testimonials and press statements to be published in mass media and social networks. Adverts will be published nationally, with special emphasis in the ten municipalities in which the project is focused.

The campaign is supported by artists and national public figures, including the Honduran activist and artist Shirley Paz, who sang her song: “I am a woman,” promoting the rights of women, at the launch.

"We aim to educate and sensitize the Honduran population on how to prevent violence against women and girls – specifically human trafficking and femicide. The campaign promotes the construction of new behaviour patterns of masculinity. We also want to empower women and break the vicious circle of violence that is preventing the development of their potential,” said IOM’s National Project Officer in Honduras, Likza Salazar.

The campaign is part of a project led by Central American Integration System (SICA), financed by the governments of Finland and the Kingdom of the Netherlands and implemented by IOM and UNFPA.

For more information, please contact Paola Zepeda at IOM Honduras, Email:, Tel. +505 2278-9569.