
IOM Supports Efforts to Investigate and Prosecute Trafficking Offences in Egypt

The IOM office in Cairo is currently holding a series of training
sessions and workshops for members of the police, prosecutors,
judges, diplomats and representatives from non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) as part of on-going efforts to combat human
trafficking in Egypt.

This initiative, which is funded by the US Department of State's
Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (G/TIP), aims
to strengthen the ability of Egyptian law enforcement officers in
the investigation and prosecution of trafficking offences. It also
aims to improve cooperation between criminal justice agencies
active in the field of counter trafficking.

Working with the Ministry of Interior (MOI), the Office of the
General Prosecutor (OGP), the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and the
National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM), the project
seeks to find ways to reduce the stigma all too often associated
with victims of trafficking.

To date, IOM has held 12 training sessions and workshops, which
have brought together more than 500 participants. A further 800 law
enforcement and criminal justice officials will receive training by
the end of the year.

The training sessions and workshops utilize a variety of
resources, such as the IOM handbook on "Investigation and
Prosecution of Trafficking in Persons and Treatment of Victims
during Law Enforcement Proceedings", which was developed in
collaboration with the Ministries of Interior and Justice.

This manual is a valuable resource for law enforcement bodies in
Egypt as it details how provisions of existing legislation,
including the Anti-Trafficking Law enacted in May 2010, can be
applied to investigate and prosecute trafficking offences, as well
as to protect and assist victims.

In parallel, IOM is working with the Ministries of Foreign
Affairs and Health and Population, as well as the NCCM, to
strengthen national capacities to provide assistance and/or
referral to victims of trafficking.

Under several ongoing projects, IOM also provides direct
assistance to victims, including legal counselling, medical and
psychosocial care, return/reintegration assistance, and temporary
accommodation at a new shelter for trafficking victims.

Human trafficking is a major challenge throughout the Middle
East as countries in the region are involved as origin, transit or
destination countries.

Since 2008, IOM has collaborated with a variety of partners,
including Government entities, civil society and UN agencies, to
instigate activities focused on prevention, prosecution and
protection. IOM is also cooperating with the Ministry of Interior
in the fields of security sector reform and migration and border

For more information, please contact:

Mathieu Luciano

IOM Cairo

Tel: + (202) 273 651 40/1

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