
IOM Seeks End to Displacement in Haiti

On a three-day visit to Haiti, IOM Director General William Lacy
Swing called for a final push to end the displacement crisis caused
by the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti over two years ago.

“We can achieve this objective with the leadership of the
Government of Haiti and enough international support,” he
said. “Those families surviving day by day with little but
tents and plastic sheeting between them and the elements deserve

Ambassador Swing noted the sharp reductions in numbers of
Internally Displaced People (IDPs) living in camps from the peak of
the crisis. He expressed the view that a big push should be
undertaken to close the 575 camps remaining from the January 2010

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Displacement Tracking Matrix report

“I am encouraged by the progress I observed since my last
visit a year ago,” Mr. Swing said. “I see a more
positive atmosphere contributing to more positive attitudes and a
determination to achieve results. Now we need to get these
remaining camps finally closed.”

Mr. Swing’s visit coincided with the release of new IOM
figures showing that 390,276 individuals remain in camps across the
earthquake-affected area, down some 75 per cent from July 2010,
when the camp population peaked at 1.5 million.

The figures, drawn from IOM’s latest Displacement Tracking
Matrix indicate a 7% decrease in the camp population since April

Ambassador Swing met with Haitian President Michel Martelly to
discuss progress achieved so far and challenges ahead regarding
relocation and camp closures. The President committed to continue
to work with IOM to enhance programmes that would close camps,
using the methodology developed by the Government, IOM and other
humanitarian actors over the past year.

Afterwards Mr. Swing declared that IOM’s partnership with
the government was solid and that reducing camp population through
rental subsidies, relocation, reconstruction and regularization
provided a road map for future projects.

“Both the Government and IOM have a shared interest in
delivering durable solutions to end displacement and for the sake
of the people we need to get across the finish line by closing as
many camps as possible,” he said.

“Those left behind in the camps must not be forgotten as
redevelopment gets under way. They are the most vulnerable and have
the same rights to a future as all other Haitians,” he

The Director General also met with the Minister of Interior
Thierry Mayard-Paul, Minister for Haitians Living Abroad Daniel
Supplice, UN Humanitarian Coordinator Nigel Fisher, Deputy Special
Representative of the UN Secretary General Kevin Kennedy and
members of the UN country team.

Mr Swing spent a large portion of his visit in the field,
surveying IOM’s work in different aspects of the crisis. This
included the densely populated neighborhood of Mangeoire, which was
badly affected by the earthquake. IOM works with the community
there to provide transitional shelter solutions and sanitation
services, as well as canals, retaining walls and footpaths with the
aim of attracting residents back from the camps.

Mr Swing also visited Champ de Mars, a volatile spontaneous camp
that was situated in front of the National Palace. Until the
Government’s recent relocation programme, some 4,600 families
subsisted there in tents and shacks. Over 90 per cent of the camp
has now been closed with the help of rental subsidies.

Today schoolchildren enjoy in a newly restored playground, and
people find relief in the wide open spaces. “Champ de Mars is
the symbolic heart of the country and we are seeing a gradual
return to normality which I am proud to be associated with,”
said Swing.

In other remaining camps, there are far graver problems. Jean
Marie Vincent is a camp of 17,080 people who face serious security
issues, despite the best efforts of UNPOL and national police to
protect them.

Tents and tarpaulin-covered shelters provide little security for
women and girls. 

Mr. Swing expressed deep concern at their vulnerability to
sexual and gender based violence (SGBV). Walking through the heart
of the camp, he heard graphic reports of attacks from female
victims inside their flimsy shelters, where plastic sheeting
provides no protection from a knife or razor. “My heart goes
out to these vulnerable women and girls and the sooner they are
securely rehoused the better,” he said.

The latest DTM report is available here: "paragraph-link-no-underline" href=""

For more information please contact

Leonard Doyle

IOM Haiti

Tel. + 507 3702 5066

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