
IOM Reports an Increase in Requests from Ecuadorian Migrants for Voluntary Return Assistance

In 2008, IOM assisted the largest number of Ecuadorian migrants to
return home through the IOM Assisted Voluntary Return Programmes
– 853 migrants returned home in 2008, up from 667 in 2007.

Since the IOM Assisted Voluntary Return programmes for
Ecuadorian migrants in the Belgium, Germany, Mexico, Spain,
Switzerland, and the United Kingdom began in 2000, IOM has assisted
3,470 Ecuadorians to return home.

At the same time, the Welcome Home Plan, created in 2008 by the
Ecuadorian Government through the National Secretariat for Migrants
(SENAMI, by its Spanish acronym) with technical assistance and
support from IOM, assisted 16,785 persons in its first year.

The increase in the number of migrants asking for assistance to
return home led the Government of Ecuador, IOM and civil society to
get together to design migration management strategies to create
the conditions necessary for the dignified and sustainable
voluntary return of migrants.

The assistance provided to the 16,785 returning Ecuadorians
under the Welcome Home Plan, included:

  • legal advice about voluntary return for 9,218 persons;
  • registration to participate in the plan for 3,712 persons who
    applied from overseas;
  • support to 1,100 families who received a waiver of import
    duties so they could return with all of their household goods;
  • assistance to 2,710 deportees; and
  • repatriation assistance to 45 deceased migrants.

As part of IOM's Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration
Programmes, the Organization held a series of workshops for law
enforcement officers and government officials to strengthen the
Government's capacity to assist its returning nationals, especially
those who are most vulnerable.

The Central Bank of Ecuador estimates that in the past eight
years more than two million Ecuadorians have left the country to
live abroad.  Many of them migrated to Europe – mainly
to Spain and Italy, others to the United States, in search of
employment and the possibility of a better life for their

For further information please contact:

Ana Guzmán

Tel: 593.2-22-53-948/49/50

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