
IOM Organizes Counter Trafficking Training Courses for Officials in Ecuador

IOM Ecuador began a series of training courses focusing on human
trafficking for government officials in the cities of Quito,
Guayaquil and Portoviejo.

The courses which began this week and will run through
September, in coordination with the Ministry of Interior, provide
an overview of human trafficking in the country, the national Plan
of Action to combat human trafficking, assist victims and prosecute
traffickers for some 45 officials from the 19 institutions that
make up the Inter-institutional Commission to combat human

Ecuador is a country of origin, transit and destination for the
trafficking of children, adolescents, women and men who are
trafficked internally and abroad mostly for sexual exploitation,
domestic servitude, forced begging and forced labour.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, 187 cases were
reported between 2011 and 2012, with 11 indictments and 5

According to law enforcement authorities, the traffickers have
been identified as members of organized criminal gangs, owners of
small businesses such as bars or brothels, and illegal employment

The traffickers’ recruitment modalities vary according to
the type of exploitation.  In cases of sexual exploitation,
victims are lured romantically or with promises of legitimate
employment and then forced into prostitution.


Forced labour recruitment, particularly street begging, street
vendors and domestic servitude, begins by deceiving parents by
offering education and work opportunities for their children, who
are then forced into forced labour situations in Ecuador and
abroad.  These young victims have been trafficked to countries
including Chile, Colombia and Venezuela.

Since 2006, with funding from the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID), IOM Ecuador has been working
with national and local authorities to counter human trafficking by
establishing best practices on victim assistance, including
screening, referral and reintegration and shelter guidelines;
cooperation with law enforcement authorities; cooperation
agreements with local governments, private sector and civil society
institutions; and providing support in the implementation of the
National Counter Human Trafficking Plan.

For more information, please contact

Jaime Paredes

IOM Ecuador

Tel:+593 2 2266-304 or 305

Mobile: +593  9 3597322

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