
IOM Launches Migration in Numbers Website in Lithuania to Help Counteract Migration Myths

IOM, in cooperation with the European Migration Network (EMN) and
the Lithuanian government, has launched a new website, Migration in
Numbers ( "" target="_blank" title=
""> in Lithuania.

The website is a source of main official statistical information
on migration and asylum. It not only provides data but also
explains migration statistics in a user-friendly manner with maps
and graphs.

Migration is a topical issue in Lithuania as in many parts of
the world.  Discussions about migration are often surrounded
by various myths and stereotypes.

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"/jahia/webdav/site/myjahiasite/shared/shared/mainsite/graphics/interface/icons_buttons/blue_link_box.gif"> "" target="_blank" title="">Migration in

For example, one third of Lithuanians think that Lithuania has
too many immigrants and the majority thinks that Chinese citizens
make up the biggest group.

However, statistical data shows that Lithuanian has one of the
smallest foreign populations in EU (1 per cent) and that immigrants
from China form a very small group – only 23 Chinese
immigrated to Lithuania in 2010.

Such misperceptions all too often obscure the migration debate
and contribute to increased stigmatization against migrants.

"With this initiative, we wanted to make migration data easily
accessible and comprehensible," said Audra Sipaviciene, IOM Chief
of Mission in Vilnius. "We hope that the website will become a
useful point of reference for the media, state institutions as well
as academia that need up-to-date, reliable and unbiased information
on migration."

The website is the result of cooperation of five institutions
working in the field of migration – IOM Vilnius, the
Lithuanian Ministry of Interior, the Labour Exchange, the Migration
Department, and Statistics Lithuania.

"Our aim is to dispel some of the migration myths and engage the
public to discuss migration and asylum constructively," adds

The website, which is launched to commemorate IOM's 60th
anniversary this year, also contains information in Lithuanian and
English on general migration trends, immigration, emigration,
labour migration, irregular migration, citizenship, and asylum.

All graphs and data can be downloaded. For more information
please visit "" target="_blank" title=
"">, or call:

Jurga Kievisaite

IOM Vilnius

Tel: +370-5-2624897

E-mail: "">