
IOM Launches Manual on Migrant Women and Gender Violence in Argentina

Argentina - IOM Argentina has launched the English version of a manual originally produced in Spanish, Las Mujeres Migrantes y la Violencia de Género – Aportes para la Reflexión y la Intervención (Migrant Women and Gender Violence – Strategies and Perspectives for Interventions).

The manual was developed under the framework of the project Promoting Human Rights of Migrants from a Gender Perspective, implemented by IOM Argentina in partnership with the Under-Secretariat of Social Advancement (Subsecretaría de Promoción Social, SPS) from the Ministry for Social Development of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, with the support of the IOM Development Fund. 

The manual was produced as a training tool aimed at the teams of this agency regarding the social interventions with migrant women in the field of gender violence. Based on this experience, the distribution of the material at several governmental bodies and civil society organizations sought to further promote sensitization and awareness-raising among the community at large.

Along these lines, the adaptation and translation of this product into English is intended to facilitate the dissemination of the matter globally, since it can be utilized by any public servant, civil society employee, or the staff of other organizations concerned with or providing assistance to migrant women undergoing situations of violence.

It is the expectation of IOM Argentina that the material will be a valuable contribution in different contexts and geographical spaces.

The publication is available at the website of IOM Argentina,

For further information please contact Mariana Beheran at IOM Argentina, Tel: +5411 4811 9148, Email: