
IOM Launches Community Livelihood Support in Northern Kenya

On 1 October 2011, IOM carried out the first ever de-stocking
exercise for the host community in Kulan, Northern Kenya.

One thousand pastoralists, or 125 households, in the area
benefited from this initiative, which is part of IOM's livelihood
support programme meant to help the host community in northern
Kenya to survive the effects of the drought.

Pastoralist communities have been particularly affected by the
drought and they face imminent threat of losing their livelihoods
as their weakened herds struggle to survive disease, hunger and
thirst in an increasingly desperate search for pasture and

The "de-stocking" exercise involves buying the weakest livestock
from the pastoralists so the reduced numbers of animals match the
available animal feed. This means families can sustain the
livestock that are better able to weather the drought, enabling
them to continue their livelihoods.

After the animals are slaughtered, the meat is given back to the
community for consumption. Food supplements are also provided to
the remaining animals that are identified to be able to better
survive the drought.

During the event, 500 sheep and goats were identified for
slaughter with supervision from Kenya's District Livestock
Officers.  Twenty animals were slaughtered and the meat was
given to vulnerable families.  Each week, 20 animals will be
slaughtered to ensure a sustained source of meat.

IOM bought the livestock at KES 8,000 for three goats/sheep per
family. The money can be used to buy additional animals when
conditions allow or to provide for other immediate domestic

Both the seller and the consumer benefit in this programme. The
seller gets the money from selling of his livestock, while the meat
consumer does not necessarily have to sell any animal. The meat is
meant to feed the entire community and most especially the
vulnerable such as women and child headed households, the elderly,
the sick and the disabled.

Before embarking on the programme, IOM had mobilized a relief
management committee that was responsible for slaughtering the
sheep and goats and ensuring equal and fair distribution of the
meat. The committee also ensured that the remaining animals could
be sustained.

The de-stocking exercise was done in accordance with FAO's
Livestock Emergency Guidelines (LEG) and the overall supervision by
District Livestock Officers from the Ministry of Livestock.

The community livelihood support programme is funded by the UN
Central Emergency Response Fund, (CERF) to assist some 40,000
vulnerable pastoralists in the region, 60 per cent of them being

Apart from de-stocking, the programme will also embark on the
rehabilitation of water retention structures and wells along
livestock migratory routes, the provision and distribution of
health kits and supplement feed for the livestock. Community
training for herders on pasture storage, conservation and use will
also take place.

For more information, contact:

Judith Zsarbo

IOM Daadab, Kenya

Tel: +2 54 734 860 286

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