
IOM Hungary Launches Two New Websites

The IOM office in Budapest has launched two new websites developed
as part of two projects currently being implemented by the Mission
in Hungary.

The first website, titled “At Home in Hungary” is a
multilingual interactive service which provides comprehensive and
up-to-date information regarding admission procedures and aspects
of everyday life in Hungary for third-country nationals (TCNs).

The website is available in 7 languages: Arabic, English,
French, Hungarian, Russian, Serbian and Vietnamese. It has been
developed as part of the project “At Home in Hungary: A
Comprehensive Multilingual Online Resource for Third-Country
Nationals”, with funding from the national allocation of the
European Integration Fund 2011.

"BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(51,102,204) 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: rgb(51,102,204) 1px solid; MARGIN: 0pt 0pt 10px 10px; WIDTH: 200px; BACKGROUND: rgb(153,204,255) 0% 50%; FLOAT: right; CLEAR: right; BORDER-TOP: rgb(51,102,204) 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: rgb(51,102,204) 1px solid">
"PADDING-BOTTOM: 3px; PADDING-LEFT: 3px; PADDING-RIGHT: 3px; BACKGROUND: rgb(51,102,204) 0% 50%; PADDING-TOP: 3px">Related
Links alt="" border="0" height="12" hspace="0" src=
"/jahia/webdav/site/myjahiasite/shared/shared/mainsite/graphics/interface/icons_buttons/blue_link_box.gif"> "#" onclick=
"'', 'mywindow', 'location=1,status=1,scrollbars=1')">At
Home in Hungary website alt="" border="0" height="12" hspace="0" src=
"/jahia/webdav/site/myjahiasite/shared/shared/mainsite/graphics/interface/icons_buttons/blue_link_box.gif"> "#" onclick=
"'', 'mywindow', 'location=1,status=1,scrollbars=1')">Volret

The interactive website aims to provide TCNs with relevant
information on admission procedures and daily life in Hungary and,
in addition to basic cultural information, covers the broad topics
of immigration, working, studying and living. Moreover, this
website has been designed to be a useful resource also for public
administrators, private service providers, researchers, social
workers and other experts as they work with, and support the
integration of, TCNs in Hungary.

The “At Home in Hungary” website can be accessed at
"" target=

The second website, titled “Volret” (Voluntary
Return Programme), is a multilingual website accessible in six
languages (Albanian, Chinese, Russian, Persian, Hungarian and
English) which provides the relevant information on voluntary
return and reintegration options for migrants who wish to return to
their home countries from Hungary.

In addition, the website also informs the visitor about the a
dedicated multi-lingual, toll-free hotline service available in
Albanian, English, German, Hungarian and Serbian and allows the
potential beneficiaries to ask for further information and clarify
issues with the specifically trained hotline assistants who provide
information and return counselling.

The “Volret” website has been developed within the
“Awareness Raising Information Programme on Assisted
Voluntary Return and Reintegration”, implemented by IOM
Budapest and funded by the European Union Return Fund.

This project aims to facilitate the voluntary return of
irregular migrants in Hungary to their home countries in safety and
dignity, and to contribute towards the sustainability of their
return through the provision of information about the Hungarian
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme.

The “Volret” website can be accessed at "paragraph-link-no-underline" href="" target=

For more information, please contact 

Bálint Dóra

IOM Hungary

Tel: +36 1 472 25 00

Email: "">