
IOM Distributes Supplies to Families Returning from Iran

IOM Iraq recently distributed essential non-food items to 48
families who have recently returned to Iraq from Iran after nearly
twenty years of displacement.

The majority of the families had fled Iraq during the 1991 war
after being caught up in fighting between Iraqi and American
forces. Originally from Basrah governorate, the families crossed
the border and relocated to the city of Ahvaz in the Iranian
province of Khuzestan. 

While the families were able to sustain themselves in Iran
through farming and raising livestock, they encountered
difficulties in obtaining documentation from the government and
sending their children to non-Arabic schools.

Upon learning that economic conditions in parts of Iraq,
particularly Babylon governorate, had improved, the families made
the decision to return.

After returning to Iraq, they settled in makeshift camps in
three locations across Babylon. Because the families returned with
almost no resources, the conditions in the camps are extremely
difficult. In addition, they lack proper identification and ration
cards because they have been away from Iraq for so long, thus
making it difficult to receive services from the government.

IOM learned of the returnee families through its monitoring
teams which operate in all 18 governorates of Iraq. The monitors
determined that the returnee families were in urgent need of basic
household items to make conditions in their temporary shelters

In order to meet these needs as rapidly as possible, IOM
arranged for a distribution of non-food items (NFIs) in
coordination with the Iraqi Ministry of Displacement and Migration
(MoDM), the Babylon Provincial Council, the ICRC and UNHCR.

IOM directly implemented a distribution of NFIs, including gas
cooking ranges and cylinders, ice chests, and plastic mats to a
total of 48 families. Representatives from the Babylon branch of
MoDM and the Provincial Council also visited the distribution

IOM referred the returnee families to the NGO Relief
International, which will assist the families with getting their
official identification and ration cards, as well as other legal

Having addressed the immediate needs of the families, IOM is
planning continued assistance with a comprehensive package of
community assistance and livelihood development initiatives through
the Iraq Mission's Programme for Human Security and Stabilization

For further information, please contact:

Rex Alamban

IOM Iraq

Tel: +962 6 565 96

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