
IOM to Assist Families Affected by the Earthquake in Maule and Biobío Provinces

With funding from the United Nation's Central Emergency Response
Fund (CERF), IOM Chile is set to provide emergency assistance to
some 2,100 families affected by the powerful 27 February earthquake
and ensuing tsumani that caused massive damage in the southern
provinces of Maule and Biobío.

Early assessments by Chilean authorities estimate that some
200,000 homes were destroyed and that many families are in need of
emergency assistance. 

The USD 3 million will allow IOM to provide support for the
construction of temporary houses locally known as Mediaguas, for
1,500 families. Additionally, IOM will provide 600 Home Repair Kits
for families whose houses suffered minor damage but are deemed
otherwise safe.  Also, 600 Kitchen and Hygiene kits will be
distributed to families whose belongings were lost.

"Many families are presently living in precarious conditions
while the Government and local NGOs are beginning the
reconstruction process.  With the impending rains of autumn
and ensuing cold temperatures, agencies are concentrating on
providing shelter," explains Viviana Mellado, Officer in Charge of
the IOM Office in Chile.

The quake's epicentre was located off the coast of Chile near
the southern provinces of Maule and Biobío.

According to the Government, some 160,000 houses – 37 per
cent of which are in Biobío – have been irreparably
damaged or destroyed in the regions of Metropolitana,
O'Higgins/Libertador, Maule and Biobío. A further 93,600
houses still need to be assessed in Maule and O'Higgins and
temporary shelter is still urgently required for an estimated
70,000 to 120,000 people.

"IOM is working with NGO partners to provide assistance, and
will also coordinate with several UN agencies to ensure that water
and sanitation, education and emergency livelihood needs are
covered in the areas covered by CERF funding," Mellado adds.

This CERF-funded initiative will be carried out over a
three-month period and will focus on more remote areas where the
arrival of government assistance is taking more time.

For more information, please contact:

Viviana Mellado

IOM Santiago

Tel: +56 2 2746713

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