
Increasingly Untenable Situation for Tens of Thousands of Displaced in Western Cote d'Ivoire

Conditions for tens of thousands of internally displaced persons
(IDPs) seeking refuge at a Catholic mission in the western Cote
d'Ivoire town of Duékoué without access to food,
water and shelter, are becoming increasingly untenable says IOM.

A priest at the mission informed IOM that the majority of the
displaced haven't eaten for two days and that 80,000 food rations
are urgently needed as are kitchen sets.

He also highlighted to IOM the urgent need to remove bodies
lying in the streets in the town and close to the mission.

Medical supplies were among priority needs, particularly as
there were a number of displaced, including women hit by stray
bullets, requiring medical care and attention. There are no medical
facilities available in Duékoué.

The water situation had, nevertheless, improved with the
resumption of electricity supplies powering a water pump.

There is, however, growing concern over pregnant women at the
site who need to be urgently relocated to safer areas.

With massive overcrowding at the mission, an alternative site
for housing most of the displaced is being proposed though shelter
and other humanitarian assistance would be necessary.


An undetermined number of people have also sought refuge at another
site close to the UN Mission to Cote d'Ivoire's camp in the

IOM has also learnt that thousands of people who had fled
Duékoué in the past few days towards Guiglo are now
stranded along the route, in fear for their lives and wanting to
return to Duékoué.

With the priests at the Catholic mission and others in
Duékoué demanding urgent help from the humanitarian
world, an inter-agency evaluation mission that includes the
governor of Man as well as IOM, is due to head to
Duékoué today security conditions permitting.


The governor, accompanied by a community elder among the displaced,
had already gone to assess the needs of thousands of people grouped
around Péhé, including several hundred pregnant
women.  Among them are a group of 2,000 IDPs reportedly
attacked last weekend by mercenaries. During the attack, three of
the displaced were allegedly killed, women raped and belongings

Elsewhere, in Abidjan, heavy fighting has meant IOM has been
unable to evacuate a third group of up to 600 more Mauritanians
this week as planned. They will be assisted once security
conditions permit.

IOM has been asked to evacuate more than 50,000 stranded
migrants from Cote d'Ivoire to Mauritania, Guinea, Senegal, Burkina
Faso and Mali.

The Organization is also continuing to assist those crossing
borders into neighbouring countries to flee the violence in Cote
d'Ivoire and has planned to assist up to 100,000 migrants in the
next six months.

For further information, please contact:

Jean-Philippe Chauzy

IOM Geneva

Tel: +41 22 717 9361

       +41 79 285 4366

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Jemini Pandya

Tel: +41 22 717 9486

       +41 79 217 3374

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