
Increased Infrastructure Support for Communities on Ecuador's Northern Border

IOM, Italian Cooperation and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR) have joined forces to provide better water and sanitation
facilities for homes in Barranca Bermeja, a village on the
Ecuador-Colombia border that hosts a large number of Colombians in
search of international protection and asylum.

Of the 70 families living in Barranca Bermeja, approximately 50
are from Colombia.  Many of the children living in the
community were born in Ecuador but their parents are Colombians who
were forced to flee the violence in their communities of

Following an agreement between IOM and UNHCR, a potable water
system was recently completed in Barranca Bermeja providing clean
drinking water to the community.

With financial support from Italian Cooperation, IOM and UNHCR
also managed to build 35 fully equipped bathrooms for the

"Beforehand, Barranca Bermeja did not have access to any basic
services.  Clean water and increased hygiene have improved the
lives of all residents," explains Alejandro Guidi, IOM Chief of
Mission in Ecuador.

"But the successful integration of Colombians is a priority for
IOM and UNHCR. It's vital for the stability and development of the
region," adds Guidi.

Ecuador hosts the largest number of registered Colombian
refugees. According to UNHCR figures, 20,000 Colombians have
obtained refugee status, and an additional 68,544 have applied for
asylum. However, UNHCR estimates that there are some 130,000
Colombians in Ecuador in need of international protection.

Since 2001, IOM has been implementing social and productive
infrastructure projects in the provinces along Ecuador's northern
border with funds from the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID).  Nearly 500,000 persons have directly
benefited from these projects.

For more information, please contact:

Ana Guzman

IOM Ecuador

Tel:  + (593-2) 225-3948

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