
Hondurans Continue to Help Meet Labour Needs in Canada

IOM, working with the Honduran government, has assisted a first
group of Honduran men and women travelling to Canada this year as
part of an on-going labour migration programme with El Dorado Farms
in Red Cliff, Alberta, Canada.

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normativa en relación a la trata de personas en
América Central y República Dominicana y su

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mujeres víctimas de trata en América Central y
República Dominicana y la actuación de las

For the 20 Hondurans leaving this weekend, it is the second or
third time that they have been awarded a 10-month contract due to
their work performance in previous years.  

Another group of 20 first-time candidates will travel to Canada
in May. 

The labour migrants will work in vegetable harvesting,
processing and packing activities.

This IOM-managed programme began in 2007 when 11 people were
selected for work with El Dorado Farms.  Since then the
programme has expanded and now selects migrant workers for Maple
Leaf Foods in Canada and Queralt Fruits in Spain.  To date IOM
Honduras has assisted a total of 394 Honduran labour migrants.

Following a request from the employer, IOM's labour migration
selection process begins with advertisements in local media, the
processing and screening of applications, pre-selection interviews,
visits to the applicants' homes, and medical check-ups.  The
final selection is carried out by the employer during a
face-to-face interview with the potential candidates pre-selected
by IOM.

Those selected receive IOM assistance in gathering necessary
documents and filling in forms to obtain travel documents, support
in case of questions regarding their employment contracts, medical
exams, language training and cultural orientation.

It is estimated that 35 per cent of working age Hondurans are
under-employed, and one million of those who are employed full-time
make less than the minimum wage.

For more information please contact:

Jeremy Mac Gillivray

IOM Honduras

Tel: +504 220 1100 Ext.: 1516

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