
Foreign Nationals Flee Libya to Tunisia, Egypt - Update

IOM staff on the Ras Adjir border point between Libya and Tunisia,
say that more people are crossing the border into Tunisia today
than on previous days as they flee the violence in Libya.

Although migrants of various nationalities are leaving Libya
through this route, the majority of those crossing are Tunisian
nationals. More than 6,700 Tunisians have fled across the Ras Adjir
border point in three days. 

On Wednesday (23 February) night, large numbers of Egyptian and
Chinese migrant workers arrived at the border. Some 850 Egyptians
are today travelling onwards to Djerba airport accompanied by IOM
staff and Red Crescent volunteers. Two planes sent by the Egyptian
government will transport them home. 

Some 830 Chinese workers arrived on buses rented by the Chinese
consulate in Tripoli and have been taken to Tunis.

IOM staff say that those arriving at the border are mainly
coming from Tripoli. They include embassy staff and the ambassadors
of various countries, who have decided to quit the capital.

But they are concerned that there is no evidence of large
numbers of migrant workers from Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
leaving Libya for either Tunisia or Egypt.

Large numbers of Sub-Saharan irregular migrants in Libya work
informally in the service sector or as manual labour. Poorly paid
and in irregular work, it is unlikely they have the resources to
rent vehicles to get to border areas and reach safety.

"Of the tens of thousands of Sub-Saharan Africans and South
Asians working in Libya, only a handful have managed to reach the
border so far. This is probably because they do not have the
resources to pay for transport," says Laurence Hart, IOM's Chief of
Mission for Libya.

"We are very concerned for all those migrants who may wish to
leave, but cannot. Many countries without the adequate resources to
evacuate their nationals are now asking IOM for help.  We are
therefore urgently appealing to donors for funding to allow us to
intervene," he adds.

Meanwhile the IOM office in the capital of Niger, Niamey,
reports that 170 Niger nationals have crossed the border from
Libya. They are currently in an IOM reception and transit centre in
Dirkou, from where they will be transferred to the northern city of

This first group says that hundreds of other Niger nationals are
on their way to the border on trucks. There are reports that some
of the trucks have broken down en route. IOM and Niger Red Cross
are expecting several hundred new arrivals over the next few

Meanwhile, a team from IOM Egypt, UNHCR and UNOCHA will tomorrow
(25 February) begin an assessment on a Libyan border crossing
situated close to the Egyptian town of Salum. About 15,000
Egyptians have recently crossed the border there, as well as a
small number of Libyans.

For further information please contact:

Jean Philippe Chauzy

IOM Geneva

Tel: + 41 22 717 9361

       + 41 79 285 4366

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Jemini Pandya

Tel: + 41 717 9486

       + 41 79 217 3374

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