
Canada Backs IOM Philippines Typhoon Response

Philippines - IOM has received C$700,000 for its Typhoon Bopha emergency response in the Philippines from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The funds mean that that IOM can jump start emergency shelter assistance to those affected by the typhoon.

"Canada is responding to the increasing needs of the Philippine people as they face the alarming devastation caused by the typhoon," said the Honorable Julian Fantino, Minister of International Cooperation.
“IOM is working closely with the Government of the Philippines and the UN Country Team. This Canadian intervention is very welcome indeed and goes some way towards reaching our fundraising goal,” said José Pimentel, IOM Chief of Mission for the Philippines.
“We are also working with the private sector to funnel aid from individuals to projects in Mindanao, giving individuals and big donors the ability to track their money through the emergency response and see concrete results,” he added.

IOM is seeking USD 6.6 million out of a total UN consolidated appeal of USD 65 million.

Canada is helping IOM, WFP and UNICEF with a total donation of C$2 million to deliver humanitarian assistance to approximately 480,000 affected people in urgent need of food, safe drinking water, and emergency shelter.

Tropical Cyclone “Bopha” is the strongest storm to hit the Philippines in 2012. It severely affected 5.4 million people, displaced more than 800,000 and left at least 900 people dead with 900 still missing. The total number of destroyed or damaged houses has reached nearly 150,000.

“Bopha,” is also the most southerly typhoon ever recorded in the Western Pacific, a troubling indicator of how climate change may be affecting the Philippines in unpredictable ways.  

Since 6th of December, after the Philippine Government sought assistance from IOM to build temporary shelters, IOM staff were immediately deployed and have been carrying out lifesaving operations for the most vulnerable survivors.

This week, in partnership with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), IOM provided emergency shelter materials for 600 families or 30,000 people who have been living in the open since the storm blasted Mindanao on December 4th. The shelter kits provided by IOM include rugged plastic sheeting which provides basic cover for those left homeless by the storm.  
IOM is working across four key areas, camp coordination and camp management, shelter, health and life-saving humanitarian communications.

For more information please contact  

Christie Bacal
IOM Philippines
Mobile no +639173697021