Elements of Innovation

  • Awareness Raising and Communication
  • Social Cohesion and Community Participation
  • Diversity, Gender and Inclusion

What is the project about?

Migration is a complex and often divisive issue. Regrettably, negative attitudes towards migrants, coupled with exclusionary practices and xenophobia, have escalated in recent years. The media holds a crucial position in framing these narratives and has the potential to reshape these adverse sentiments.

Acknowledging the often-politicized coverage of migration-related matters in public debates, the project led to the establishment of the Global Migration and Media Academy (GMMA). The Academy offers tailored, free courses for media and communication students and professionals on migration-related themes. Through the creation of a worldwide network of learning hubs, the project cultivates a community of experts committed to presenting fact- based, balanced, and diverse perspectives. This fills a significant gap in comprehensive global migration-related media training.

How is the project innovative?

As a dynamic hub for migration experts, academics, and media leaders, GMMA draws on the latest research, insights and data to promote accurate and balanced reporting on migration related matters.

The initiative distinguishes itself for having the potential to shape global discourses on migration, underlining the pivotal role of responsible reporting in determining informed perspectives. GMMA's innovation is embedded in its strategic architecture that integrates accessible classroom and online courses in multiple languages, ensuring extensive global accessibility. GMMA takes a stance against anti-migrant sentiments, empowering media professionals with specialized material and tools to counter misinformation and xenophobia. The academy is uniquely placed to champion responsible journalism and ethical reporting as powerful tools. Such an approach echoes across a network of strategic alliances and global learning hubs, connecting experts with a shared mission: deconstructing negative narratives and presenting balanced facts on migration worldwide.


YEAR: 2021
FUNDS: 400,000 USD