Strengthening the Capacities of Local Authorities in Burkina Faso to Mainstream Migration, the Environment and Climate Change into Local Planning

  • Date de fin
  • Statut du projet
  • Type de projet
    Migration, environnement et changement climatique
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Couverture
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projet ID
  • Etat(s) membre(s) beneficiaires remplissant les conditions requises
    Burkina Faso

The Mané and Bokin municipalities, located in the central-northern and northern regions of Burkina Faso, are concrete examples of migration, environment and climate change related challenges faced by the country. In addition, since 2012, no local development plans to address the above issues these municipalities are facing have been developed.
With this in mind, the objective of this project is to support the Government of Burkina Faso to strengthen the capacities of local authorities in both Bokin and Mané municipalities (as pilot municipalities) in the areas related to migration, environment and climate change, with the overall objective of mainstreaming the above-mentioned themes into local planning.
This objective will be achieved through the following main outputs:
1) Increased awareness and strengthened capacities of local authorities in relation to the migration, environment and climate change nexus;
2) Development of a guide and programming tools for the authorities, which take into consideration the needs of the population in vulnerable situations, especially those of women and youth;
3) Provision of technical equipment to further support both Bokin and Mané municipalities in the related tasks.
Through the delivery of the three above-mentioned outputs, it is expected that local authorities and relevant stakeholders will be better equipped to mitigate the risks linked to climate induced migration. Similarly, the awareness sessions will also foster the dialogue between the government and the communities on the challenges faced related to migration and environment in order to be able to replicate activities in other regions.