World Environment Day is celebrated every year on the 5th of June and aims at raising awareness and celebrating environmental action.

This year’s campaign is celebrated under the theme #OnlyOneEarth with the focus on living sustainably in harmony with nature. It highlights the need to reset the balance with nature through transformative changes.

Millions of people around the world are displaced and moving in the context of disasters and the adverse effects of climate change. Disasters have now become a leading cause of forced displacement globally. In 2021, from the total of 38 million internal displacements registered in 2021, 23.7 million around the world were displaced by disasters (according to IDMC GRID 2022).

IOM calls on all governments and parties to adopt the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ´s (IPCC) vision to move from climate risk to climate resilient development in order to address the adverse impacts of climate change.


WED DG video message

Take Action

#DotheRightThing. Support action that enables people living on the front lines of climate change to build a more sustainable future and make staying possible.