We strongly encourage candidates to apply to IOM Manila (Global) Administrative Centre vacancy notices by using our online application facility. 

By applying online you will have access to the following distinct features:

  • Create your own personal account to register including education, professional experience and competencies.
  • View and update your information at any time.
  • Search for job openings and directly apply to any open position.
  • Upload your resume.
  • Monitor the status of your application.
  • Receive follow-up correspondence by e-mail on vacancy announcements for which you have submitted an application.

To start the online application process, job applicants are required to register online in order to obtain a personal account. After opening the account and completing in the online application form, applicants are required to upload a copy of their CV (with file format of pdf, doc, or docx) in support of their application. All applications must be received before a vacancy notice's closing date otherwise they will not be considered. Once the application has been submitted, it will be processed. Candidates may track the status of their application at any time. 

Applicant Tip Sheet
  • Be clear and concise in preparing your CV. Use of language is extremely important. Provide small, understandable pieces of information about you. Use 'action verbs' and powerful phrases . 

  • Bring out the best from your experience, include your accomplishments so IOM can have an idea of what you can contribute to the organization. Focus on what you have achieved (how well), as opposed to what you do on a daily basis. Don't exaggerate or falsify. Be honest.

  • Customize your application to focus on the key aspects of the position and to target your application according to the responsibilities and competencies of the position.

IOM Competency Framework

Applicants should be familiar with the IOM Competency Framework.

Interview Tip Sheet

What to know:

Interview details (Schedule & Location) Organization details

  • Brief History or Mission
  • Nature
  • Terms of Reference/Vacancy Notice (Job Description) - read and understand the competency requirement
  • An interview is a review of your knowledge and work experience


What to do:

Arrive 15 minutes before the set schedule - this gives time to settle down and check if there are last-minute preparations you can do.

Be brief and concise when responding to interview questions. Remember to give examples when you are asked to demonstrate your experience. Organize thoughts and  focus on the “I” instead of “We” when responding. Give concrete examples of what you have done or describe the results of what you have achieved. Focus on providing own knowledge and experience. One way of answering is through STAR method:

  • Situation
  • Task
  • Action
  • Result 

Listen carefully to the interviewer. If not clear, ask to repeat or rephrase the question.  

What to expect:

  • It will be a panel interview comprising of the hiring manager and two additional staff members who are familiar with the requirements of the position.
  • Interview questions are pre-defined and are based on a series of competency-based open-ended questions. 
  • At the end of the interview, you will be asked for any questions related to the job or the organization.


Salary and Benefits

IOM follows the UN Salary Scale for the Philippines which is tax-free. We also offer attractive benefit package, a challenging career opportunity, and potential for international travel assignments.

The following are the exciting benefit package which awaits you:

  • Compensation Plan: an insurance coverage for occupational accidents and illnesses paid by IOM.
  • Medical Service Plan (MSP): an insurance coverage for non-occupational accidents and illnesses (medical/dental/optical) on contributory basis. Monthly premium is shared by IOM and staff member.
  • United Nations Pension Fund (UNJSPF): aims to provide participants at retirement age with pension as an income replacement. It also provides participants with social security coverage in case of death in service or disability. A compulsory pension scheme maintained by contributions between IOM and the staff member (7.9% of the gross pensionable salary)
  • Dependent Child Allowance: PhP 21,961.92 net per annum per child up to maximum of six children (payable in monthly installments) and subject to terms and qualifying conditions
  • Annual Leave: 2.5 working days per completed month of service
  • Sick Leave: 2 working days per completed month of service
  • Compassionate Leave: 3 days leave in the event of the death of immediate family members (spouse, child, parents and siblings) and additional 2 days if the staff member requires to travel
  • Parental Leave: 8 calendar weeks of parental leave, or 12 calendar weeks of parental leave for multiple births, regardless of the parental modality (birth, adoption, etc.). Birthing parents will be entitled to birth leave (16 weeks) plus parental leave (8 weeks) to a total of 24 weeks.
  • Time off for Feeding: Paid time off for feeding for birthing parents (up to two hours per working day) is granted until the child's second birthday.
  • Staff Development and Learning (I-Learn) : IOM has a dedicated unit which provides staff members access to a range of learning opportunities including online courses, face-to-face training, blended curricula, videos, webinars and reading materials.
  • Flexible work hours: which starts from 7:30 to 9:30am; 8 hours per day or 40 hours work per week, Mondays to Fridays.
Staff Welfare

Our individual and collective health and wellbeing is vital to us as employees and as colleagues, so that we can produce our work efficiently and with compassion for the people we serve.

This page offers information and resources to help IOM staff reflect and learn about their own skills, talents and coping mechanisms. We have provided information on a number of modules to help you look at your wellbeing and mental health. The modules are:

  • Understanding and accepting difference – here is an opportunity to review and consider our approaches to mental health. How inclusive are we? 
  • Giving and getting help – how good is your self-care? You can explore this through a presentation which includes advice from colleagues. Managers also have an opportunity, through an online program, to review relevant information in how to recognize and support staff with mental health problems.
  • My wellbeing – how easy it is to forget to look after ourselves as we work to help others. The online programmes on wellbeing and stress management will help you think about how well you look after yourself and have recommendations on enhancing your approach.
  • My mental health – some of us may develop more serious mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, substance use and adverse reactions to critical incidents. These animations will help you learn more about each one and how to get help.

We also have other online programmes: Deployment, and Robust Emergency Management. We have begun a library of reading material and links on wellbeing and mental health. We will also be sending a bulletin regularly.

Further information can be accessed through this link: https://www.iom.int/iom-staff-welfare

Diversity and Inclusion

Where we stand on Diversity 

At IOM we value and invite diversity into our workforce as we know it is one of the factors that make us qualified to deal with the complex issue of migration.  We see diversity as one of our organizational strengths. Our aim is to foster an inclusive workplace where everyone treats each other (including colleagues and beneficiaries) with dignity and respect. 

At IOM we welcome applications from qualified individuals, irrespective of their race, religion, skin color, nationality, age, disability status, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family structure, mental health status, or any other characteristic. Our policies encourage a workplace free from discrimination and any form of harassment. 

We are constantly seeking to improve our policies and practices to be at the forefront of workplace diversity and inclusion standards, in line with human rights principles.  

The working languages of IOM are English, French and Spanish.


Is IOM a place for you? 

IOM implements projects around the world to support governments and migrants in promoting humane and orderly migration. 

This broad range of job profiles calls for talented professionals with academic backgrounds that may include: international relations, law, medical professions, business, communication, information technology, finance and accounting, project management, human resource management, security, international development and others.  


Is there a place for you at IOM? 

With presence in capital cities around the world, in rural areas and in emergency situations, the range of work at IOM is extremely varied.  

We have policies that specifically seek to accommodate the different situations and needs of our staff, for example:  


Parents and families 

IOM grants 8 calendar weeks of parental leave, or 12 calendar weeks of parental leave for multiple births, regardless of the parental modality (birth, adoption, etc.). Birthing parents will be entitled to birth leave (16 weeks) plus parental leave (8 weeks) to a total of 24 weeks.



As active participants in the UN System-wide Action Plan on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (SWAP), and in the UN Secretary-General System-wide strategy on gender parity, IOM is aware of prevailing gender imbalances at certain grades where women are under-represented, but we are actively working towards parity though a number of interventions. 

At the moment there are special provisions that allow for external female candidates to be considered as (first-tier) candidates for positions at P4 level and above, where women are under-represented. 

We believe in promoting an enabling environment where all employees feel free to raise concerns regarding harassment, abuse of authority or other issues at any time. 


LGBTI staff 

We welcome individuals who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans and intersex at IOM. The organization recognizes eligible same-sex partners for the purposes of entitlements and benefits (for example for travel, relocation, health insurance and others).  

The IOM Standards of Conduct expressly forbid any type of discrimination in the workplace, including for LGBTI colleagues and beneficiaries.  

Every year IOM holds events around the world on the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (May 17), and a public statement from the Director General is released. Read the last one here

To date, more than 3,000 IOM staff have participated in training on LGBTI issues, and how to work with LGBTI individuals (beneficiaries and colleagues) and efforts continue. 

We maintain productive dialogue with UN-GLOBE, the UN System LGBT staff group.  


Staff with physical disabilities 

IOM has endorsed the Charter on Inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian settings, and is an active member of the IASC Task Team on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action. The Organization also put forward several commitments at programme’s level for the Global Disability Summit, London 2018.

IOM’s commitments are publicly available here

Ongoing efforts are being made in the IOM workplace to be more disability-friendly and we are working with other UN entities to share best practices and adopt inclusive policies.  


Diversity of nationality and ethnicity 

At IOM we currently have 131 nationalities represented among our staff. We strive to have representation from all our 172 member states.  

Applicants who are nationals of a Non-Represented Member State and meet the qualifications for a vacancy are considered (first-tier) candidates for selection purposes. You can find a list of the current Non-Represented Member States in every vacancy announcement.  

If you are a national from one of those countries and would like to participate in a webinar that explains further how it is to work for IOM, please fill out this online form and we will invite you to participate in our next online event.  

We encourage members of indigenous communities to join our workforce as we believe their contribution is especially valuable to the migration and development agenda.  


Other issues 

IOM does not discriminate based on HIV status. Staff members and candidates who are living with HIV are advised to become members of UN Plus, the UN System HIV positive staff group.  

Similarly, we support UN Cares, the UN System-wide workplace program on HIV and its award-winning initiative: UN for All, bringing training on unconscious biases, human rights, respectful language and diversity for UN staff worldwide, including IOM workers. 

We have a comprehensive mental health strategy which focuses on prevention (through education, for example) and care. Staff counsellors are available to assist staff dealing with stress of mental health issues by either offering direct help or coordinating access to professional support. 


Stay updated 
Follow us on Linked In
Visit regularly our Vacancies page.