DG's Statements and Speeches
28 Oct 2010

Remarks to the 35th Plenary Session of the Commonwealth of Independent States Inter-Parliamentary Assembly

Mr. Chairman,

Honourable Parliamentarians,

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great honour and joy to be invited to the 35th
Interparliamentary Assembly of CIS States in the beautiful,
historic city of St. Petersburg. 


It is a particular privilege to have this opportunity to greet you,
the distinguished Parliamentarians   of the Commonwealth
of Independent States. 


By your very diversity, you are the voice of your people. 
 You link the local with the national and the national with
the regional and global; you translate international standards and
agreements into domestic legislation and regulations. As
Parliamentarians, you have your finger on the pulse of pressing
issues of global concern – including the issue of interest to
all governments today – the challenges and opportunities of
global migration.

The International Organization for Migration is the leading
migration agency in the world.  We are privileged to count 127
Member States within our membership; this includes most of the
Commonwealth of Independent States, in addition to 94 Observer
States and Organizations.  IOM is present in more than 440
locations in 150 countries with a staff of

The International Organization for Migration is proud to have
worked in the CIS region for more than fifteen years.  We are
proud to be your partner, and you can count on us for the long
term.  During these fifteen years, we have worked closely with
the governments and communities you represent to assist migrants,
refugees, displaced persons and others in need of assistance. 
Our aim is to promote humane and orderly migration that is in the
best interests of States and migrants themselves. 

As parliamentarians, you know more than anyone that no serious
transnational issue can be tackled in isolation.  All
governments are coming to understand that they cannot address
migration as a national issue or on their own.

Today, one country’s migration policies will have a major
impact on neighboring states, or even in countries further
away.  This is particularly evident here in the Russian
Federation – the world’s second largest destination for

This CIS region is one of the world’s most active
migration regions.  As such, you are acutely aware that
interstate cooperation is essential.  Partnership is essential
if we are to minimize the negative aspects and maximize the many
benefits of human mobility. 

Parliamentarians are an essential part of this picture. You have
important, wide-ranging powers and responsibilities as
representatives of your people.  

You can help ensure that migration becomes an integral part of
national, regional and global strategies for economic

Our goal at IOM is to work as partners with you to develop
capacities for migration management.  With your active support
and engagement, we can strengthen partnerships at the national,
regional, and international levels.

In closing, let me say that I look forward to meeting you once
again – the next time when I hope to visit your
countries.  Until then, I extend to all of you very best
wishes for the continued success and prosperity of the countries
you represent.