DG's Statements and Speeches
25 Oct 2010

Launch of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP) Observatory on Migration - Opening Remarks



Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Colleagues, 


Quelle joie ! Quel honneur !

It is an honor to join you for this ground-breaking event. I
wish to thank Dr. Chambas, The ACP Secretary- General, for the
initiative and for our partnership. I would also like to express
deep appreciation to the European Development Fund whose great
generosity is making this project foreseeable. Le joie de voir un
ami de longue date.

The launch of the ACP Observatory on Migration is a
milestone. In saying this, I would like, briefly, to make
three points.

First of all, the ACP Observatory is an ambitious response to
the efforts of researchers, civil society, and policy makers to
improve our collective knowledge about South-South migration
– knowledge that will benefit countries, communities, and
migrants themselves. We have come to understand a great deal about
the push and pull elements driving global migration: demographic
trends, labour migration and growing North-South income
disparities. On the other hand, there remains a superficial
knowledge gap in regards South South migration where most migration

In this regard, the Observatory has great potential to serve as
a powerhouse of ideas, innovations, research and

Accurate, reliable data on migration has been a persistent
weakness hampering the development of sound migration policies.

Underpinning the Observatory is a fundamental premise, namely,
that reliable, harmonized data helps countries to establish
efficient and effective migration management systems that work to
reduce poverty and advance development. Migration is, after all,
the original and oldest poverty reduction strategy known to

Second, the establishment of Observatory also responds to the
exponential increase in government’s interest in global
migration. This innovative project addresses an urgent need to
increase government and public recognition of the contribution
migration makes to the global economy; to the strength of diversity
in our communities and countries; and to sustainable human

The third point I should like to make is that besides responding
to the needs of researchers and governments for reliable
coordinated data, on where to make evidence-based policy, the ACP
observatory will provide value-added

a. This Observatory will help build a culture of
.  It will nurture a new generation of leaders
– a global network of talented, like-minded professionals
working together on matters of migration.

b. Moreover, the ACP Observatory will advance
capacity-building in the twelve pilot countries.  It
will encourage the inclusion of migration in poverty reduction and
development strategies – thereby filling in a missing piece
of the mosaic.  

c. The Observatory promises to bring together a wide
array of actors
with vested interest in partnership
– State institutions, regional and international
organizations and entities, civil society, and research and
academic communities.  

Together, these partners will coordinate their work,
exchanging data, policy expertise, research and ideas.

To bridge the research gap, with EU financial support, IOM has
undertaken research projects to study migration patterns in ACP
countries – including "Migration Profiles" –  a
series of hardback volumes covering more than 30 individual
countries around the world. "Migration Profiles" are proving
to be a useful tool for governments helping governments to improve
their migration management systems and to develop evidence-based

The creation of a precise body of knowledge will shed more light
on this important field of research.

The Observatory is the product of the African, Caribbean and
Pacific States, supported by IOM, and funded by the generosity of
the European Development Fund and the Government of


I am optimistic about the future of the ACP Observatory on

The Observatory has been designed by professionals, for
professionals. We believe that this Observatory will enjoy
universal support from Governments and research institutions alike;
we encourage them to join the Observatory and to contribute to its
important mission.

The project demonstrates a common will and determination to
realize the many potential benefits of migration. To achieve this
goal, we must develop a a coordinated, coherent and united

We have a valuable new tool at our disposal -- ambitious, yet
rooted in real life and focused on the people and institutions it
is intended to serve.

We at IOM look forward to continued close collaboration with the
ACP Observatory here in Brussels, in the twelve target countries of
the Observatory in all of which IOM is

I pledge my full support to the Observatory. I know that
you all too, will do your part.