DG's Statements and Speeches
08 Sep 2011

Briefing: Opening of the IOM Mongolia Country Office Also marking IOM' s 60th Anniversary in the world

Excellencies, Delegates,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Colleagues:

What an honour! What a pleasure to welcome you here tonight.

It is a particular honour and pleasure for me to be here in Ulan
Bator on my first official visit to Mongolia. I have the distinct
privilege to welcome you to this reception to open officially the
new IOM Mongolia Country Office in Ulan Bator. Let me thank all of
you for being present today, as our gathering this evening also
marks IOM's 60th Anniversary.

1. Mongolia's commitment to migration issues

First, let me say what an honor it has been to meet with senior
Mongolian government officials including the President, Prime
Minister, Minister of Home Affairs and Justice and many others this

With some 150,000 Mongolians choosing to work abroad; more
foreign migrants coming to work in the country's expanding mining
sector – 16,000 to date; and rapid rural to urban movements
of people – 62% of the country’s population --
migration is becoming a cross-cutting issue of increasing
importance to Mongolia.

I would like to congratulate the Government of Mongolia on their
commitment to the many issues relating to migration in this
country, and the progress that has already been made in this

II. The IOM – Mongolia Relationship

Second, my visit to Ulan Bator is an opportunity for me to
express appreciation to you, our many partners, for the fruitful
friendships and relationships that IOM has enjoyed – and
continues to enjoy – with the Government and people of this

With a total of 132 Member States, more than 7000 staff in 440
locations worldwide; 2000 on-going migration projects; and a budget
of $ 1.5 billion -- IOM is the sole inter-governmental organization
whose sole mandate is migration.

Established in 1951, IOM works in close collaboration with
government, intergovernmental and non-government partners, to
provide practical solutions to migration challenges, and to provide
humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and
internally displaced people.

Mongolia became an IOM Member State in 2008, however,
Mongolia-IOM cooperation dates back 10 years. IOM has been
supporting Mongolian nationals abroad through its Assisted
Voluntary Returns (AVR) programme well before 2008. This AVR scheme
assists vulnerable migrants return from third countries and it has
helped over 5,000 Mongolians find their way safely back to their
home country.

From 2007 to 2010, IOM assisted 358 victims of trafficking in
Mongolia - through medical and psychosocial support, legal
assistance and livelihoods training.

Last year, IOM launched a broad technical cooperation project on
migration governance in Mongolia addressing issues of border
management, labour migration and civil registration.

Over 80 representatives from government, academia, and the NGO
sector have participated in this 'Capacity Building for Migration
Management in Mongolia' Project.

Over the past year, in consultation and in partnership with the
Government of Mongolia, IOM has conducted a technical assessment of
the country's migration management systems, and we have shared
action-orientated recommendations with our government partners.

Based on this assessment, IOM has convened workshops on labour
migration and fraudulent document examination. IOM has also
organized a Study Tour to the Philippines for senior government
officials to exchange information on immigration systems.

Also last year, IOM conducted an assessment on the migratory
intentions and movements of those people affected by the Dzud, the
extreme winters that have had such a devastating impact on

III. New strengthened level IOM-Mongolia Partnership

As you can see, IOM's previous engagement here has laid a solid
foundation on which our new Mongolia Country Office can build and
expand its activities.

First, as mentioned, the new Office will continue to implement
the 'Capacity Building for Migration Management in Mongolia'

In order to prevent irregular migration and associated crimes of
human trafficking and people smuggling, IOM recently provided new
Edison technology to immigration and border officials to strengthen
their ability to identify fraudulent documents.

IOM has just produced a Mongolian-language Passport Examination
Procedure manual. One of the world’s leading reference tools
in this area, the manual provides guidance on how to better screen
and exam identity documents.

Early in the New Year, a Study Tour is being planned for senior
Mongolia government officials to visit Australia. The Study Tour
will enable both countries to exchange experiences, lessons
learned, and best practices on immigration and border

In addition to this capacity building project, in coordination
with other IOM Offices around the world, the new Office will
provide reintegration assistance for recently returned migrants to
Mongolia including vocational training, and advice on services
available locally.

Third, IOM has recently assumed the role of Cluster Lead on Camp
Coordination Management to provide assistance to the displaced in
the case of a disaster.

As many of you know, IOM has global responsibility within the
Inter-Agency Standing Committee for this area.

IOM will continue to work in close cooperation with the
Government of Mongolia and the UN Country Team on developing a
joint Contingency Plan, as well as our own camp management


In conclusion, with the opening of the new IOM Mongolia Country
Office, I greatly look forward to a new strengthened level of
cooperation between IOM and the Government of Mongolia.

We at IOM congratulate the Government of Mongolia on the
progress that has already been made on migration issues, and have
high hopes for the contribution that our new Office can make, in
close collaboration with our government, UN and NGO partners.

Based on conversations with you about Mongolia's unique
migration situation, we are here to provide assistance, advice and
services where required.