Vice Director of Migration Law Committee at the Beijing Society of International Law

Prof. Dr. Guofu LIU is employed at the School of Law, Beijing Institute of Technology. He was awarded LLB and LLM by China, Ph.D. by Australia and completed postdoctoral study in Germany. His recent research focuses on migration law and policy. He actively involved in the legislations and policy making of Chinese governments in the field of international migration. He is advisory expert of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, China and Convener of the Expert Team of Drafting the Law of Anti-Trafficking in Persons. He finished over twenty academic research projects from the Chinese governmental authorities, the IOM, the UNHCR, the ILO, and the UNACT, is the author of over twenty books and reports including The Right to Leave and Return and Chinese Migration Law (Nijhoff), Chinese Immigration Law (Ashgate).