Workshop on ‘International Travel Documents and Issuance Systems: Technical Review of Standards and Systems with CEN-SAD Member States and Regional Bodies’

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  • End Date
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  • Benefiting Member States
    Benin Burkina Faso Egypt Gambia Guinea-Bissau Liberia Libya Mali Morocco Niger Nigeria Senegal Sudan Tunisia

Further to the 6th Meeting of CEN-SAD Ministers of Interior and Security held in Cotonou, Benin (27-30 September 2004), and as part of a proposed IOM Technical Assistance Programme for Capacity Building in Migration and Security for the CEN-SAD States, IOM organized a workshop in Niamey, Niger from the 5th to the 7th April 2005 on travel documents and issuance systems.
The Workshop supported the participants in updating their knowledge in this highly technical and quickly-changing area of migration management, and allowed for specific planning for follow-up technical assistance with IOM. The meeting received special technical support from the Education and Promotion Working Group of ICAO, in which IOM participates.
Two participants from each CEN-SAD Member State were carefully selected to ensure that they are officials with senior direct responsibilities in national passport and visa issuance management, and closely-related functions. Additionally, one representative with parallel duties from the major African regional political/economic bodies (SADC, EAC, etc..), and from the AU, was invited to participate. The workshop constituted a first step toward broader collaboration between IOM and the CEN-SAD States in various areas of technical programming.